Workspace DIY | Quick + Easy Mousepad Makeover

fashionlush, workspace diy, desk decor

Working from home, I’ve reallllly struggled with actually working at my desk.

It’s a horrible habit, but I am way to used to waking up & making my way from the bed straight to the couch (after I brush my teeth & make a cup of coconut green tea) where I can comfortably blog & catch up on my Ellen.

As I mentioned recently, my back has been in a world of hurt, & according to my chiro/the guy at the mattress store/everyone, it’s most likely due to my couch potato ways.

So, as of late, I have been making it a goal to sit at my desk during the day (at night, I allow myself to couch it up).

fashionlush, workspace diy, desk decor

» love using beakers for a flower vase «

It’s not an easy transition (#bloggerproblems), but sprucing up my desk space has helped tremendously. It’s surprising what a change in your surroundings can do for your productivity levels. I treated myself to a whole new desk setup, including a laptop riser (to keep my neck from bending over the computer- I highly reccomend this for anyone who owns a laptop!), a bluetooth keyboard, & a nifty wireless magic mouse.

I basically turned my laptop into a desktop, & all I needed to finish off the whole new set up was a rad mousepad. Is it weird that the thought of a new mousepad, or actually needing a mousepad at all, really excited me?

The DIY lightbulbs went off full force, & with just a quick trip to the fabric store (aka my favorite place to shop) + three easy steps, I had my very own custom tropical inspired mousepad.

See all the how-to deets below & if you do any projects from the blog, I’d love love love to check it out. Post a picture on Instagram with the #FashionlushDIY. I will regram my favorites :) 

x, E

fashionlush, workspace diy, desk decor


» Fabric of your liking (as you can see, I am really into tropical prints right now!).

» Cheap-o mousepad

» Fabric tracing pen

» Sewing scissors

» E600 glue

Step 1: using your fabric pen, trace the mousepad shape onto the underside of the fabric

Step 2: Carefully cut out your shape (take your time, you want it to be perfect!).

Step 3: Cover the top of the mousepad in glue, use a paintbrush if necessary. Line up your fabric & carefully press it down onto the glue, cut any excess fabric if needed.

Let dry & you’re good to go! Très fab, right?

fashionlush, workspace diy, desk decorfashionlush, workspace diy, desk decor

P.S. If you are looking for the InstaxMini (my fave lil’ polaroid), I just found this smokinggg deal! It comes with the camera, a really cute strap, & the film.


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4 Replies to “Workspace DIY | Quick + Easy Mousepad Makeover”

  1. Stumbled upon your blog when I was searching on how to paint shoe soles and I have been reading your posts ever since! I was wondering if that’s a laptop fan? The one that holds your laptop.

    Thank you.

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