Winter Whites

fashionlush, winter whites, white fashion trend

Some families discuss politics and/or current events, while my family talks fashion. Well, atleast when it comes to me & my Mom (so deep). Which brings me to todays heated debate:

“No white after Labor Day.”

She’s got great style, so more often than not I listen to her advice re. all things fashion, but this “rule” is one thing I am just not buying. Sorry mom, but that concept is done & dusted.

Typically, when given the choice, I always opt for black– but as of late I’ve been on a serious white kick. A clean pair of white trainers, my fave white skinnies w/ the ripped up knees, the perfect white tee, white heels/boots/loafers… if it’s white, I want.

Including each & everyone the pieces in this post, all of which come with an epic lil’ promo code (i.e. the go-to excuse for splurging on your self cause “it was on sale!”).

Anyone else on #teamwhite for Winter? If not… maybe these will persuade you to the join the tribe ;).

xx, E

fashionlush, winter whites, white fashion trend

1. MissGuided Irina Mesh Bodycon Dress // the sexiest LWD to wear to your holiday soiree. Get 20% off all party wear with code PARTYTIME. Promotion ends 11/21.

2. Madewell ripped knee skinnies // aka the jeans of the season. They’re already reduced from $135 to $29.99 & with the coupon code FALLBACK you can get an extra 25% off (so good). Promotion ends 11/17.

3. Eleven Paris tee // my fave Kate Moss pic of all time (I have the iPhone case too). Use the coupon code TURKEY to get 15% off this rad white tee. Promotion ends 11/30.

4. White Panama Hat // an essential for all seasons. Get 25% off all J.Crew pieces w/ coupon code SHOPNOW. Promotion ends 11/17.

5. Nike Court Majestic Sneakers // all about crisp white trainers. Same as above, 25% off coupon code SHOPNOW. Promotion ends 11/17.

6. MAC Heirloom mix mini pressed pigment // the worlds best highlighter of all time!!! Use coupon code GIFT for 25% off. Promotion ends 11/16.

» Other Winter White Lushes: «

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