White is the New Black

fashionlush, summer fashion 2015, white is the new black

Who am I kidding, white isn’t the new black… but it’s summer & I am having a major white on white on white moment (clearly).

Life is all about change, & I am really trying to step away from my typical Wendy Adams/Quinn from Daria vibe every once in a while.

This decision was actually made the other week when I was at a Summer soiree & I showed up in head to toe black, while everyone around me was in beautiful crisp whites & flowy florals. I don’t mind being different, but I also don’t want to be stuck in my ways. So… bring on the white, full force.

People are often scared of wearing white for a few reasons: First off, if all black is super flattering, is white really unflattering? No no no! Black can be unflattering too, it is all about how you wear it & proportions (my rule: if it’s tight on the bottom, looser on the top & vice versa). Secondly, SPILLS. If your wearing white, opt for a glass of white wine instead of red & alwayssss carry around a Tide pen (or 10, considering I am the clumsiest person alive). 

…& stay tuned, cause there are plenty of more all black summer looks coming your way. Baby steps people!

x, E

fashionlush, summer fashion 2015, white is the new blackfashionlush, summer fashion 2015, white is the new blackfashionlush, summer fashion 2015, white is the new blackfashionlush, summer fashion 2015, white is the new black

wearing: ASOS white ripped knee skinny jeans | the perfect white tee | white strappy bralette | Ray-Ban circle sunglasses | Converse high tops

White Wishlist

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4 Replies to “White is the New Black”

  1. I just wish I could wear white but it is so unflattering against my skin tone so I choose to wear more off white so I still get that “white” vibe but it just flatters the pinks in my skin much better! You look amazing in white! Lots of love C

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