This & That | Weekend Vibes

fashionlush, this & that, torrey pines hike

You guys!!! I am so excited to share with you what I did this weekend, cause it was really a total mind blow.

My BFF is getting hitched, so her MOH planned a really rad girls day for us. The day started off with a nice long gossip-filled hike (because…girls), followed by some Bloodies, & then a trip to the spa.

But it wasn’t just your typical hoighty toighty spa with ambient music & cucumber H20, it was a Korean day spa.

The ladies in my family SWEAR by the mysterious Korean spa & have always told me to go, but I have never jumped on the bandwagon till now. Considering I have been doing ridiculous amounts of R&D on Korean skincare/beauty routines (full blown post coming soon), the timing was on point.

Okay, so let’s talk about what goes down at a Korean spa, possibly NSFW…

First & foremost, we were instructed to get butt ass naked. If being in your Birthday suit around other people for an extended amount of time makes you nervous, this is probably not the spa for you. Although I must say, the whole process is very assembly line-ish, so it’s mellow.

While waiting for our assigned numbers (told ya, assembly line) to be called, we hit up all the facilities offerings: a communal hot jacuzzi, a dry sauna, a steam room, & my personal fave- the red clay fomentation room that pulls toxins out of your bod & boosts your metabolism (totally need one of these in my future home!).

Once summoned, the scrub process immediately begins. Using Korean scrub mitts, the masseuse began to aggressively scrub every single nook & cranny of my skin.. literally. She would throw me around like a rag-doll making sure not a single spot wasn’t scrubbed. Cool beans.

The scrub got off every last bit of dead skin & massaged my lymph system like it’s never been massaged before. Remember when we talked about lymphatic massage & Jade rollers last week? Yea, it’s pretty next level.

After they are done scrubbing, the massage begins. My masseuse, who still hasn’t spoken a word to me, now dumps huge bucket of hot water all over me and begins to slather me up in oil, giving me the most INSANE massage of my entire life. It’s crazy how these tiny women pack so much strength in their fingers!! When the massage is over, another dump of water, a full on shampooing of the hair, & then a total milk bath.

Crazy, right? When I got up from that table I actually felt high, it’s totally euphoric! We got dressed & were so in the Korean spirit we hit up a Korean market in the area, which was also a total trip. It’s like we were actually in Korea. We had boba tea, pho, & did some shopping at the beauty store (The Face Shop) within the market.

Seriously guys, the whole thing was such a cool experience! I highly suggest you check out a Korean spa in your area. If you’re in San Diego the spa we went to was called Aqua Day Spa & the market was called Zion.

If you’ve been to a Korean spa before, tell me about your experience! I repeat, I am so into Korean everything right now, so please share any tips/tricks/products/etc.!!

x, E

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2 Replies to “This & That | Weekend Vibes”

  1. Wow that sounds like an amazing experience. I love getting sea salt scrubs at the spa but yours sounds really wonderful. I really think that Koreans have the most advanced skin care products too.

    1. They do! I just got in an order of a ton of Korean skincare items so I will be doing a post on it soon, once I get in all the necessary R&D :) X, e

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