Top 5 Ways to Use Charcoal


I’ve talked about charcoal on the blog before, because frankly, I’m obsessed with the stuff. This past weekend I shared my new charcoal toothpaste on Snapchat & so many of you were inquiring about the stuff… I figured we need a little refresher on some of my go-to ways to use activated charcoal in your day to day life!

1. teeth whitening: I have super super sensitive teeth due to a bad in office whitening experience- so I started whitening a while ago by sprinkling charcoal tooth powder on my brush- but that got super messy, so I’ve just recently swapped it out for charcoal toothpaste. The taste is a little eh… cause it’s not minty & I like minty, but the whitening power is def. worth it. Added bonus, brush with a charcoal toothbrush as well!

2. face mask: charcoal face masks are AMAZING, they really pull out all impurities!! This charcoal mud mask is my go-to, but when I am in a pinch or travelling I bring along a handful of charcoal capsules & will break it open and combine w/ water for a quick pore clearing mask. I have yet to try one of those charcoal peel off masks you see all over Instagram, but I just ordered this one on Amazon so I will let you know how it goes!

3. hangover cure: not really a big drinker, but when I do drink, I always wake up with the WORLD’S worst hangover (one of the reasons I don’t typically drink). SO- I always always send Zack to my favorite juice spot to get me a charcoal lemonade (or I make one with just lemon juice/water/charcoal capsule/stevia) that I use to wash down a couple charcoal pills. Within the hour, I am surprisingly able to function like a normal human & make my way to get a bagel… which is always the third part of curing a hangover for me.

4. add to shampoo: once a week I break open one of my handy capsules or two & mix it with my shampoo to give my hair a nice little detox- it’s a great way to kinda deep clean your tresses & get rid of any leftover creams/sprays/gunk.

5. de-bloating miracle: probably one of my more favorite ways to use charcoal pills… because who doesn’t need a little extra help in the bloating department. HA! If I have a big event coming up I will start taking my charcoal pills a few days before and if we just celebrated Thanksgiving or some other holiday that involves eating way too much- I will also get on a charcoal regimen for a few days.

Okay- so there ya have it, I swear… charcoal really is a game changer in so many ways! If you guys have any other ways you use the stuff- do share.

ALSO- total tangent, but have you guys seen THIS IS US yet? Seriously seriously, best show I’ve seen in ages. You guys have to watch it- it’s seriously amazinggggg. x, E

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