Vacation Style | The Fits

fashionlush, vacation style, resort wear

I definitely over packed & since the uniform there is basically a swimsuit, I sadly didn’t get to wear all my planned looks. My suggestion to you guys, under pack on the clothes A you really won’t be wearing majority of what you pack!!

As for the few times I actually got properly dressed for the day…

Shop below, & HAPPY FRIDAY. x, E

[ photos by: Zack Dowdy ]

fashionlush, vacation style, floral coordinatesfashionlush, vacation style, floral coordinatesfashionlush, vacation style, floral coordinates


You guys know me… I am not typically the type of girl that rocks floral prints, but when in a tropical vacation visiting a farm, it seemed appropriate. Plus, I couldn’t resist this wrap top with the matching skirt. Totally digging those garden party feels! Pair the outfit with some sneakers (or huarache’s, when in Mexico) for an easy travel look.

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fashionlush, vacation style, pitusa pom pomfashionlush, vacation style, pitusa pom pomfashionlush, vacation style, pitusa pom pom


What’s more fiesta themed then a rad bell sleeved top w/ rainbow pom pom’s on the sleeve? This shirt is pretty perfect for any tropical vacay, & it shows off your tanned shoulders.

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fashionlush, vacation style, all black outfits


Okay, back to my all black comfort zone. This was probably my fave look of the trip, so it’s a bummer we only got this fuzzy iPhone photo! I am rocking the same skirt from yesterday’s post (told ya, super versatile) w/ a choker crop top (having a major choker moment!).

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fashionlush, vacation style, tassel fashionfashionlush, vacation style, tassel fashion


How perfect is this tassel co-ord set?! I love co-ords on vacay because they are chic, but also make packing 100x easier.

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4 Replies to “Vacation Style | The Fits”

  1. All of these are so great (you seriously have the best style) but the All Black was my faaaaaave when I saw it on Instagram – This may sound weird (and I mean it as a TOTAL complement) but it kind of reminded me of Lady Gaga in AHS if she was to go to the beach? lol, i know but seriously just so striking (and she killed it with all of her outfits on the show)! I love how the choker is attached too! xx SS

  2. I can’t believe that floral wrap top and skirt are from Forever21- What a great find!

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