My Top 20 Travel Must Haves

fashionlush, travel essentials, packing tips

There is a good chance you are reading this while I am somewhere high in the air, hopefully sound asleep or soon waking up on the other side of the pond.

Yup yup, on my way to Scandinavia & pretty pumped. To kick of my #FLTravels, I wanted to share w/ you guys twenty of my top travel essentials.

For more packing tips be sure to check out my packing + outfit planning spreadsheets (yes, I’m pyscho), some more in flight travel essentials, tips on how to pack like a pro, & this super handy DIY jewelry roll!

Got any tips for me or travel recommendations in Malmo or Copenhagen! LMK. x, E

P.S. I am going to try to keep up the blogging, but be sure to follow all the adventures on Snapchat (un: Fashionlush) & Instagram!

The breakdown::

1. Smith’s Minted Rose Lip Balm

2.  Charged iPad w/ all my books (I will list ’em off below!)

3.  FujiFilm Instax Mini: I always bring this camera, along with my Rebel, on every trip! It’s the perfect little memory maker.

4.  Sony white headphones that I decorated w/ my signature marble contact paper for a little added Fashionlush-style flair.

5. Sriracha2Go: to hopefully make the plane food edible…

6. Passport (derr) & cute passport cover

7. My beloved & much needed Clubmaster reading glasses, cause I see double w/o them.

8. A picture of my little babe for when Z & I are missing her, which is every second.

9. HISY bluetooth remote that was personally (slash Instagram) recommended by Kylie Jenner. I use it with this tripod for the optimal vacay selfie situation. Selfie sticks are so last year.

10. Holly Golightly-esque sleep mask

11. Marble notebook + my fave pen, for doodles & memories not to be forgotten.

12. Travel size Downey Wrinkle Release spray cause I am somehow always wrinkled.

13. Travel Size bottle of Evian spritz, because planes are as drying for your skin as the Sahara Desert (#fact).

14. Kava drops, mentioned here & my go-to natural anxiety helper. 

15. Bach White Chestnut Flower Essence to keep negative thoughts from going round & round in my head.

16. Mini Tide-To-Go pen, cause I will most likely spill Sriracha on myself at some point.

17. Travel Advil to help w/ crying baby induced airplane headaches. Not mad about it, babies cry, but this is def. an on flight essential.

18. Hello Hair Hydrating Coconut Oil Mask: especially after my latest hair appointment, I am bringing this moisture miracle with me for sure.

19. Nip + Fab Dragons Blood Fix Plumping Serum (not pictured): I just got this in the mail & it’s MAJOR. It was also recommended by my BFF Kylie (I kid) & it 100% plumps your skin in a really Botox type way. Obsessed.

20. DIY hand sanitizer (not pictured), cause f*ck those nasty airplane germs & chemical filled Purell.

fashionlush, travel essentials, packing tips

currently reading:

Down the Rabbit Hole, a Playboy mansion tell all by Holly Madison

future reads (planning to do a whole lot of reading this trip!):

Finding Me by Michelle Knight | Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll | Dark Places by Gillian Flynn | The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith | The Playdate by Louise Millar | Still Missing by Chevy Stevens | Restless Souls: The Sharon Tate Story | The Good Girl by Mary Kubica

Clearly I am into thriller/mystery types, so if you have any good recommendations, let me know!

fashionlush, travel essential, packing tips

Major props to The Skinny Confidential for sharing w/ me Sriracha2Go, cause Sriracha makes everything better… even plane food (I hope!). 

fashionlush, travel essentials, packing tipsfashionlush, travel essentials, packing tips

Zack & I love to doodle our adventures when on vacation & I have this weird obsession with Micron pens. They are so fine pointed and easy to write/draw with. P.S. raddest notebook ever, yes?

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17 Replies to “My Top 20 Travel Must Haves”

  1. Great post! I have loads of mini siracha keyrings hidden at home (for flavour emergencies) :) I love the marble notebook, but where is it from as the link doesn’t seem to work on my phone? x

  2. Erica – This post is AMAZING. I literally just bought the Selfie TRIPOD (!!!!) and the remote button from this post, thank you so much for sharing and give Kylie my regards. ;) The marble headphones are adorable. We have a big international trip coming up in January – and I am planning the outfits now, and you just get the planning struggle. I love Giada de Laurentiis and in her book Feel Good Food (SERIOUSLY my fave cookbook, incredible – a good one for you to check out – all healthy stuff with lifestyle mixed in) – she posts her trip planning tip but I found it online for you.. seems up your alley too: . Have so much fun with your man back in CPH – and have a few too many glasses of champagne on the plane, it helps with the anxiety, I promise! x

    1. Haha- I will tell Kylie ;). I am going to definitely look into that book & I DEFINITELY indulged on the bubbly before the flight (such a huggggge help!).

      Thanks for the link, reading it now! x

  3. Great list!

    I just got back from Europe and did a ton of reading on my travel days. I read the Gillian Flynn book, Sharp Objects. Such a good book! Dark Places is next on my list. Let us know how it is!

    Have a great trip! Can’t wait to see the pics :)

  4. Ah tell me what you think about down the rabbit hole! I’m so curious, ha.

    Love the marble here, and buying an eye mask ASAP. I also take melotonin when I am going oversees to help with my sleep scheduling (to fall asleep because otherwise I’ll be all sorts of crazy).

    Have so much fun girl!

    xx Krista

    1. So far the book is good! I think I need to re-watch The Girls Next Door now so I can remember all the little details. I love my melotoninnnnn <3 such a lifesaver. x

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