Torvehallerne Market

fashionlush, street style, all black fashion

By far, one of the top things I love most about Copenhagen is definitely the food!

First off, GMO’s are completely banned in Denmark (along with the rest of the EU), which is seriously the best thing ever. Why the US won’t jump on this bandwagon seriously beats me. It’s just so nice knowing that what you’re eating isn’t jam packed w/ all that genetically modified shit. Ick.

Secondly, majority of everything you eat here (I think the number is around 90%) is organic. They were actually one of the first countries in the world to set forth rules for organic food products (marked with an Ø) & to this day they sell more organic products than anywhere else. So winning.

Lastly, umm…. it’s effing delish x 1000. It doesn’t matter where you are eating, you can pretty much guarantee it’s gonna be good. The locals even say the food at 7-11 is organic, healthy, & amazing. We didn’t try it- but I’m not surprised.

fashionlush, street style, torverhallerne market

So far, my favorite places to eat in Copenhagen have been:

1. Hotel SP34: Yup, our hotel is easily at the top of my list. The breakfast is to-die-for. It’s a buffet style set-up w/ some of the best breaky food I’ve ever had. The farm fresh soft boiled eggs, freshly juiced ginger shots, & the yogurt bar were a daily must. After being spoiled with this yummyness for 5 days straight, breakfast will never again be the same.

The hotel also has a hamburger restaurant which is equally mind blowing- Cock’s & Cows. The pulled pork burger was a serious party in my mouth. If you eat here, be sure to ask to dine on the terrace- so cute & charming!

2. The Living Room: A daily pit stop for Zack & I was The Living Room. It’s a chic lil’ hipster-ish cafe during the day & transforms into an über-cool bar/hangout at night. I suggest getting there early to grab a caesar wrap (they are usually completely sold out by 5pm everyday). As for bevvies- you must try the fresh mint leaf hot tea and/or a Fentimans Rose Lemonade (must find & buy these by the dozen when I get home!).

fashionlush, street style, all black fashion

3. Torvehallerne Market: Last, but certainly not least- the amazing Torvehallerne Covered Market (also the backdrop of this post). Unfortunately, we visited this place towards the end of this trip because I would have really loved to get more lunches here.

So far, this place has had the most gluten free options of everywhere we’ve eaten. I haven’t been sticking to my gluten free diet as much as I liked here because I really haven’t seen a lot of it until we got to the market, luckily after years of being gluten free– my intolerance to this stuff has decreased greatly, but I still prefer to avoid it if I can.

I got a gluten free Jamón ibérico panini that rocked my freakin’ world (& Zack’s too), paired w/ a bomb glass of cab, & finished it all off with blood orange gelato. Yum.

They also have tons of cold pressed juices, ginger shots (my new obsession), & tons of other really healthy + delish treats/candies/desserts/fruit/etc. Love love love this place.

fashionlush, street style, all black fashion

As for the OOTD, well- it’s quite a contrast to yesterday’s all white look. Which is cool, cause I am all about opposite sides of the spectrum.

I opted for some black woven joggers, a sexy twisted front top w/ a super long drapey back, a few gold deets, & some classic black Adidas shell toes.

After being in Europe, I have become super obsessed with how they pair fancier outfits with casual sneaks. To me, the way they dress is the epitome of cool, so naturally I plan to emulate it now & def. when I am back home in the states.

I have a pretty good feeling there will be a sneaker shopping spree in my near future, but first I’d love to hear what you guys think of the Euro sneaker look? Would you rock it? LMK.

xx, E

fashionlush, street style, braided hairstyles

++ Get the Look: black woven joggers || black twisted front knit top || black Adidas shell toes || black & gold backpack || black Ray Ban aviators || gold bangle set || dainty gold body chain || lips: Make Up For Ever in Red Brick ++

fashionlush, street style, torverhallerne market

++ so much fresh juice- I was in heaven!! ++

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6 Replies to “Torvehallerne Market”

  1. I felt the exact same way when I visited Sweden last year. Everything is just so fresh and clean. & the street style! I was dying, those Scandinavians really know how to make everything look easy and beyond chic.


  2. The Torvehallerne Market looks so amazing! Sweden is definitely on my list for the next time I travel to Europe. You’d thinking living in California that everything would be fresh and natural but no…

    1. I know right? The market is my dream… I will miss it now that I am home :( xx

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