Thrasher Fashion

fashionlush, thrasher, skateboarder fashion

My boyfriend eats, sleeps, & breathes skateboarding (check him out here) & we always talk about how on top of it his fellow skateboarders are on the fashion trends & they literally don’t even realize it. He always comes home & tells me the latest trend on the rise so I can be on top of it.

Spoiler alert: visors are about to be the new dad hat!!

Rumor has it though, skateboarders aren’t to thrilled on that models, celebs, & bloggers are biting their style. My boyfriend doesn’t feel this way & I don’t see it either, because really… imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Skateboarders are effortlessly cool, & since everyone in the fashion world tries very hard to look that effortless, it has become a HUGE trend in the fashion industry right now.

This year skateboarders inspired designers to make custom skate decks, the comeback of the checkered Vans slip on, tons of snapbacks, the whole Dad-inspired fashion trend, bucket hats (as seen on Rihanna, a major lover of skateboard style), stylish oversized sweatpants (a la Kylie Jenner– with a bucket hat too!), & of course, the biggest on of all…

So much Thrasher fashion.

Off duty models were the first to start rocking Thrasher tee’s/sweatshirts left & right, and IMO, it’s the off duty models you gotta keep an eye on for trend forecasting. Soon enough, the Thrasher brand spread like wild fire through the fashion world & Hollywood.

Luckily for me, my boyfriend has plenty of Thrasher shirts for me to choose from & I am no stranger to stealing his clothes (it’s my favorite pastime & he has the coolest shit!). Plus, this vibe is right up my alley.

Shop the look + all my skateboarder inspired picks below! x, E

fashionlush, thrasher, skateboarder fashionfashionlush, thrasher, skateboarder fashionfashionlush, thrasher, skateboarder fashion

wearing: Thrasher t-shirt | black chiffon midi skirt | black flatforms (my fave sandals… on sale!!) | Quay x Shea Jinx sunglasses (love a white cat-eye!) 

The Edit | Thrasher Fashion
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