This & That | Yes Man

fashionlush, rewardstyle masterclass, kendra scott

» RewardStyle master class swag | loving my new Kendra Scott necklace! «

I am all about personal growth & development, and although I may look super outgoing on the pages of the blog (do I?), I am really actually very shy/awkward/reclusive.

I am not great in social situations, I am most comfortable within the walls of my own home, public speaking is my biggest fear, & in my profession… all of that just isn’t gonna cut it.

I get invites in my email to visit showrooms & attend different events, but due to my social anxiety, more often than not, I pass. Then, I’m sitting at home drinking wine/watching Lifetime movies (snooze fest) & stalking Instagram to see what I missed out on. Honestly, it sucks.

So, I’ve decided to just say yes… to almost anything.

fashionlush, all black outfits, ripped knee jeans

» all black outfits, all the time [ jeans | boots | top | bag) «

Last week was my first experience in the whole “yes man project”. I first said yes to an event in LA, which was a big step in the right direction. LA is just 2 hours away, but making the drive always scares me (did I mention driving scares me too? ouch, I’ve got issues), so my sweet beau offered to come & drive the entire way. We made a day out of it, hit up some shops, ate at the famous Gracias Madre (OMG, boozy snow cones are life), & ended the night at the KODE magazine party where I met some great people in the biz, including the fabulous & sweet as can be, Kristina Bazan.

The next day I said yes yes yes to the RewardStyle Masterclass in San Diego where I met some fabulous SD bloggers, tasted some yummy bites/wine at Juniper & Ivy, learned more about the biz, & was filled in on a whole lot of game changing Snapchat hacks (thanks SD blogger babes!).

All in all, the experiment is going really well! I am having fun, working on my social skills, & getting to meet a whole slew of new peeps. I definitely will continue on with the “yes man project” & already have a few really fun things lined up in the future! YOLO.

x, E

**IN OTHER BREAKING NEWS!!!! I got an email the other day saying Fashionlush was voted by my peers for best international fashion blog of the year via the #BloggersBlogAward. These awards were created by Tea Party Beauty x Talented Talkers to replace the Cosmopolitan blogger awards, & I’m pretty honored!!

Please please please cast you vote for Fashionlush here!

fashionlush, shelf decor, black and white home decor

» #shelfie no.1 | new art «

fashionlush, juice saves, aloe vera wang

» my favorite juice | Aloe Vera Wang from Juice Saves (so bomb!!!) «

fashionlush, home decor, chakra candle

» #shelfie no.2 | my new chakra candle & fave crystals above my desk (for prosperity & creativity!) «

fashionlush, snakeskin boots, instagram

» left to right:: manifesting NYC w/ the softest cotton tee | navy claws | new snakeskin boots (which my readers on Insta say Harry Styles would love! LOL.) | #carfie on the way to LA «

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2 Replies to “This & That | Yes Man”

  1. It goes without saying, but you have my vote 100% – so well deserving. Congrats, Erica! That aloe juice is one of the best I have seen – I am going to need to locate some right away. Those snapchat hacks are so major. I had no idea they were so easy. LOVE the multiple line one and the B&W one. From one introvert to another, good luck on the yes experiment! Not only do the events look fun, but it is an awesome way to network, and learn more about your industry – and the swag is always a plus! ;)

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