This & That | Fresh Starts

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» favorites, lately: glitter dipped nails | new Audrey Hepburn style sunnies | Butter Elixir (obsessed w/ this liquid gold) | Danielle Nicole purse | Jocelyn fur pom | go-to Adidas superstar sneaks «

HEY GUYS! How’s it feel to be in twenty sixteen?

I know resolutions & starting fresh is supposed to start on the 2nd, but since it was the weekend, today is my official start fresh today.

Not gonna lie, I was actually a total sloth this weekend. We were pretty damn lazy, cozied up in the house most of the time watching movies & reading (current book: Restless Souls, the story of the Sharon Tate murder- so far, so good!).

We also did a LOT of eating. Way too much eating, but hey- I knew today was my start fresh day, so I fully lived it up this weekend. Sadly, my personal trainer saw the posts on Instagram & totally texted me giving me shit about all of the sweets. I have a feeling he is going to be whooping my ass this week at the gym, but I am not mad about it. Zack & I booked a tropical vacay to Cabo for the end of the month, & I reallllly need to work off all the donuts/ice cream (as seen below).

Speaking of Cabo, I have NEVER been, so if you guys have any recommendations I would love for you to share. What should we do/eat/see?! Do tell! I will be working on my OCD travel spreadsheet tonight. Thanks in advance & happy Monday. x, E

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» fresh milk ice cream w/ fresh honeycomb & a honey drizzle via Honeymee (seriously, mind blown). «

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» scenes from the wknd, left to right: a friends epic gallery wall | fresh white roses | desk feels | new swim for Cabo, Triangl “Farrah” bikini. «

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» my one health choice this weekend, a wellness flight of organic antioxidant juice shots from my fave breakfast spot, Breakfast Republic. «

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» back to unhealthier things… my no.1 vice, Nomad donuts. I got pear jam w/ chai filling + toasted almonds & Zack got green tea w/ black sesame. Bye Nomad, no more donuts for me. You will be sorely missed. «


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» stolen from Snapchat (un: Fashionlush). Dinner party w/ my ladies. «

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» wknd looks «

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