this & that: adventures x alpacas

robert frost quote

Guess where I am right now? The ultimate most beautiful place in the world- Sonoma!!! I am so incredibly obsessed with it here. I am honestly considering not coming back. Wishful thinking at it’s finest…

My fabulous grandfather, whom I miss dearly, built this unreal oasis for the sole purpose that he was head over heels in love with Italy. He wanted to make it feel like he lived there, and he did just that with his beautiful home. My family and I have been so blessed to have this place as our home away from home.

I haven’t really had the chance to share it with anyone other than the fam, so I was pretty excited when my dad invited me and my BF for a weekend escape (i.e. the #sonomaescape on Insty). It has been the greatest visit ever. You don’t realize how amazing a place is when you’ve been there a million times, that is until you see it through the eyes of someone else.

I may be a bit gushy right now, but it’s okay because it’s Cinco de Mayo and I’ve indulged in a few Corona Lights…. don’t judge me, I am on vacay.

cool bird fountain

+ What bird wouldn’t want to stop here for a sip or two?? So beautiful. +

amazing bathtub

+ I am so obsessed with takin baths, if only I had this tub… +

stacked rocks

+ Stacking rocks around the property is a spiritual way to protect the home and the ones in it. Love it. +

jacuzzi winery

+ Port wine served in a chocolate shot glass, it was Napoleon Bonaparte’s favorite bevvy. +


+ Why are alpacas so damn cute? I want one… +


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