» new metallic throw pillow «
True story, being a blogger causes MAJOR back problems. Are there any other bloggers with me on this one? Or anyone who spends a lot of time at a computer for that matter?
I have known for years my posture is less than stellar, I may or may not have even been referred to as the hunchback of Notre Dame, #ouch. My chiro has been telling me for years that if I don’t start taking preventative action I will have problems in the near future.
Naturally, I didn’t listen & just went along slouching my way throughout the day w/o a care in the world.
The near future arrived in the past month, & I have been in a world of hurt.
So, the first stop of the weekend was the Healthy Back Store where I got schooled in everything I was doing wrong, all while melting into the most insane massage chair of all time (I’ll def. be back just to sit in the bad boy for 10 minutes).
Anyways, I ended up leaving the store with: new mattress (the fact I’ve been w/o a Tempurpedic this long blows my mind, game changer!), laptop riser so I am not looking down at the screen, orthopedic back support for my desk chair, foot rest for my desk (??), a memory foam lumbar pillow for the car, & strict instructions to move from the couch to the desk when working.
Yes, I work from my couch & yes, it’s horrendous. Breaking habits are hard, but I am proud to stay I have been working majority of the time at my tricked out new desk, which will be on the blog shortly w/ a fun desk DIY!
If you guys have ANY tips to keep my back on point, please please please help a girl out!!!
x, E
» pretty new iPhone case, found here. «
» white spray paint is everything, recent ampersand makeover. «
» ordered these rad hexagon white marble pieces on a whim, anyone got any ideas of what I should make with them?! «
» all about the button-up lately! loving this pinstriped one (similar style here) «
» per the advice of everyone, I am finally back at CorePower Yoga. I took the most dreamy sunlit class on Saturday & completely forgot how much I loved it!! «
This is one of the hardest things about modern jobs! Even for non-bloggers, most of us are staring at screens sitting at desks all day. I think that working on posture, and fitting your tech to your body (making sure screens are at the right height and distance, for example) is really important, as are tools like the ones you mentioned above, but my other tip would be to do yoga. Yoga is so great for strengthening and elongating the back and really helps to take tension out of the shoulders. Regular exercise is also extremely important when the majority of the day is spent not moving! Ever since ramping up my yoga and fitness, I am feeling much less achey at work and from day to day life!
Rae | love from berlin
I just started yoga & totally forgot to add it in the post, love love love it!
with you on the back problems… swear we are on the same wavelength lately!
try medical massages.. like not at a spa at your chiro’s office!! helps relax and relieve stress (duh) but that helps the muscles in the back relax and not be so tight and yada yada!! may or may not have one today…
other than that making my chair closer to the ground so that my computer is more eye level has helped me so much! (I do this at school and get funny looks but it helps SO much!)
and foam rolling! helps my upper back a ton and feels great! my doctor also suggested using those small massage balls but i never got around to trying it!
good luck, back pain is the worst, makes me suchhh a grumpy gus!
xx B
Great tips!!! Thanks girl, pulling out the foam roller tonight!!
Love! x
How do you like the laptop riser so far? I have mild scoliosis and bad posture, PLUS I’m in grad school so I’m trying to constantly trying to remind myself to sit up straight in my chair in class & while studying so this was a very helpful post!
I love it!!! It’s really helpful & keeps my eye leve straight, rather than hunched over the keyboard! Glad the post helped you :) x, e
Pilates and hot yoga has been working wonders for my strength and flexibility all around, but my new core and back strength makes sitting up straight in class, in the car, and at my desk so much easier! also if my hamstrings and glutes are tight then theres no hope for my back that day, everythings connected so its important to work on the the whole body!
I have started yoga & am loving it!!! Thanks for the tips :) x, E