WTF Is The Enneagram Personality Test?! (+ sharing my results!)

fashionlush, enneagram personality test, self helpfashionlush, enneagram personality test, self help

The other day a friend of mine texted me asking if I knew my Enneagram Type. I honestly thought she was referring to something medical. Like my blood type. She explained to me it’s a personality test that her therapist recommended she take. She thought it’d be something I’d be into as well.

I actually kinda enjoy filling questionnaires (what does that say about my personality?), so I took it that night. THE WEIRD THING IS, since I took the test, I am now seeing people talking a lot about their Enneagram score on Instagram all.the.time! I feel like this personality test is oddly trending right now.

To find the test you can either go for a condensed free version (here or here) OR you can go for the real deal one on the Enneagram Institute site. If I am gonna do something, I am gonna DO IT, so for me I paid the $12 to take the official Enneagram test. It was around 140 questions, took me about 30 minutes, & I got my results immediately.

Then… I researched. Cause tbh, I didn’t know what the hell I was looking at. SO, before I share my results (so interesting!), lemme explain this whole thing in a little more detail.

fashionlush, enneagram personality test, self help


TO SUM IT UP IN TOTAL LAYMAN’S TERMS (cause honestly, the whole thing was kinda confusing), it’s a personality test that has nine types & apparently determines your basic personality type that you were basically born with & developed through your younger years.

It is a number system, so when you take the test your basic personality will be represented by a number. There are 9 different types of personalities: (1)the reformer, (2)the helper, (3)the achiever, (4)the individualist, (5)the investigator, (6)the loyalist, (7)the enthusiast, (8)the challenger, & (9)the peacemaker.

There is no ranking within these numbers, 1 is not better than 9, & when you get your results it will list these personality types in order as the pertain to you. The first one being your basic personality type & then the next two playing a big role in your personality as well.

This is all represented by an odd hexagram shape in a circle (kinda looks like a pentagram tbh) & if you really study this structure you can find more about your secondary personalities & how they all tie together as there are 27 subtypes & three centers that help understand your actions/feelings/thought process. If you are looking to get real deep YOU CAN RESEARCH ALL OF THAT HERE. Report back if you can explain it in a way that makes more sense to me cause this was when I got lost.

I was personally happy just reading the definitions of my top three personality types to get to know me a little bit better.

fashionlush, enneagram personality test, self helpfashionlush, enneagram personality test, self help


1. Reformers

the self controlled perfectionist (a little type A, maybe?). They are rational & idealistic, but extremely principled. They have a strong moral compass. They can be very mellow… but also a bit stuck in their ways of what is right or wrong. They often overthink, keep their emotions to themselves, & are super hard on themselves when things don’t go as planned. 

2. Helpers

generous people pleasers w/ a touch of possessive qualities. The helpers put others needs in front of theirs. They can be sentimental & major people pleasers, often forgetting their own needs. 

3. Achievers

success driven, adaptable individuals who are image conscious. 9 out of 10 times, the achiever achieves. Success comes easy to them, or atleast that’s how they make it look. Achieves are efficient & results + recognition driven. They are best when inspiring, but can also push people away if their head gets too big. 

4. Individualists

expressive people who may or may not be a little self absorbed & dramatic. The artists of this world. Individualists are more sensitive & in touch with their feelings. They can get moody, but they value the idea of being an individual & the importance of self expression. 

5. Investigators

that friend who has his/her nose in everything, is very perceptive, a bit secretive, & loves to be alone. AKA… the one most likely to catch a Catfish. The investigator always wants to learn, have laser focus, & probably love to watch Investigation Discovery. 

6. Loyalists

like the name says, this person is LOYAL af. They are also responsible… but prone to be anxious & a little suspicious. Loyalists like security & tend to be responsible. They are also engaging people, but also tend to be a bit more weary & anxious. You can trust them & very seldomly will you hear them say “no” to you, but be careful because they can get pretty defensive in certain situations.

7. Enthusiasts

the person who goes with the flow. They are versatile & spontaneous, but also scattered. The enthusiasts really live life to the fullest & love adventure. Below the adventurous surface, they can be using distraction to mask pain. They can have trouble committing to things & are often distracted/unable to focus well. They also have a bad case of FOMO.

8. Challengers

confident individuals who don’t shy away from a little confrontation… & DECISIVE (a quality I personally wished I had a little more of). They make decisions well, they tell it how it is, they could have a bit of an ego, but they also make really great leaders. 

9. Peacemakers

can’t we all just get along? That’ the motto of a peacemaker. They are more nurturing, reassuring, & complacent. A LOT LIKE A LIBRA (my mom), they see both sides of the coin & thrive in harmonious situations. They accommodate others needs first & do everything they can to avoid conflict & keep things stable.

wearing: oversized grey blazer (similar style here) | black square neck LBD | Public Desire orange snake thigh high boots (sold out- similar style here or here!) | Quay ‘see me smile’ sunglasses

fashionlush, enneagram personality test, self help


NOW- for my results. I am a *drumroll please*….

I am a TYPE 6, aka the loyalist, & it was oddly spot on. A FEW LOYALIST TRAITS: 

+ they run on stress… while complaining about it. TRUTH- I do bitch about being stressed, but then I take on more work.

+ they are responsible & committed. Also me. I never miss a deadline. My bills are paid a week early. I love a good spreadsheet. I don’t commit easily to certain events, but if I do, I will be there. Commitments to people though is v solid in my life.

+ they are devoted & trustworthy! I do like to keep my circle small, but if you’re in it… I will go to bat for you 10/10 times. I have gotten in MANY conflicts for the sake of defending a friend. It’s just my nature & I am a pretty decent secret keeper. I may tell my Mom, but that doesn’t really count, right?

+ they are prepared for anything & if you know me, you know this is true. I am a PREPARER to the max. WHICH REMINDS ME, I need an earthquake kit.

+ & they can tend to be ANXIOUS/weary af. So basically, me in a nut shell.

BUT, there were some traits I felt that were missing…  I am not JUST an anxious person who makes spreadsheets. So, I moved onto my second & third picks (which according the Ennegream Site, make up a big part of your personality as well).

I then got TYPE 3, the Achiever, which started to really form a bigger picture of me. The Achiever is success driven, cares about how they look to others, & work hard to get to the top. I feel that. I see myself as a hard worker with an end goal always. I can also be hyper focused, but unlike the Achiever personality, I don’t see myself as UBER obsessed w/ appearances or competitive.

My third personality trait was a tie between Type 5 (the individualist) & Type 8 (the Challenger). The individualist is known to be sensitive, dramatic, & temperamental. I am a full blown Leo, so I definitely relate. I don’t feel this as much in my adult years, but up into mid 20’s I was all about confrontation/tears/drama. The Challenger is kinda similar in that they are strong minded, dominating, confident, INTENSE. Again, when I was younger, yes. Not as much now as I am adulting… but if you piss me off, you really PISS me off.

All in all… I LOVED THIS PERSONALITY TEST. I learned a lot about myself, although semi-shocked I didn’t get the Investigator at all because I could honestly be a guest star on Catfish with my stalker skills.

SO- have you taken the Enneagram Test? IF NOT take you can take it for free here or here OR go for the real one for $12! COMMENT YOUR ENNEAGRAM TYPE BELOW!

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