The EASIEST Thing You Can Do for the Environment RIGHT NOW

the easiest thing you can do for the environment, fashionlush, reusable straws


I honestly posted this photo 5 seconds ago on Instagram & now whipping up A QUICKIE post to share some straw 411 with you guys.

This post is just scratching the surface when it comes to the environment, but you can definitely expect more ECO content on the blog this year. I am not perfect, I don’t do close to everything right when it comes to our environment, but I am learning & want you guys to come with me on this learning journey.

SO- straws. Straws are just one super easy thing we can ALL do right now. The plastic straw ban is happening & if you’re sipping out of a plastic straw right now. STOP. It’s not cool. I am not a judgmental person in the LEAST, but when I see plastic straws… I do judge slightly. I get frustrated when businesses are handing out plastic straws too. I was recently in Big Bear & asked to talk to management to suggest “bamboo straws”. They thought I was crazy, but hey- it put the idea in their head.

Straws are a huge threat to the ocean. Just picture a sweet otter with a plastic straw stuck up it’s cute little nose. THAT IS REASON ENOUGH TO NEVER SIP OUT OF A PLASTIC STRAW AGAIN… but if that’s not enough, here are some facts: 

+ it is estimated that 500 million plastic straws are used & disposed of DAILY

+ it takes 200 years for plastic to decompose

+ even if straws are technically “recyclable” they are too small & lightweight to make it through the sorter!!

+ when straws make it to the ocean they break down to smaller pieces and kill marine animals & sea birds. Plus, they make it into our water & the SEA SALT we use!!

+ to put a number on that- over 1 million seabirds & 100,000 marine animals die each year from ingesting plastic

+ Starbucks is banning plastic straws by 2020, McDonalds is hopping on the train to, as well as Alaska Airlines!

Straws are a small part of what makes it into the ocean too- there are also plastic bags, soda caps, bottle rings, balloons, candy wrappers, etc- these are ALL important things to be conscious of as well. Straws, although only a small percentage of the plastic problem,  are the “gateway drug” (is that kosher to say?) to getting us all to care a little bit more about the ocean & the environment!


+ EITHER STOP USING STRAWS ALTOGETHER! Not only are plastic straws bad for the environment, but also bad for you. Your water bottle it BPA free, but that plastic straw is not. Plus, straws cause wrinkles!!

+ If you’re like me & YOU LOVE STRAWS. Get reusable ones. I listed a bunch below, but I use these GLASS STRAWS for when I am at home & then I always keep these metal straws in my purse for the on the go moments. When writing this post, I just bought these silicone straws. We shall see how they measure up! Honestly, bringing your own straws is CHIC.

+ IF YOU ARE A BUSINESS OWNER WHO USES STRAWS (or knows one), paper straws suck & your customers will complain. BAMBOO STRAWS are the best. It will cost you a penny more, but suck it up!! It will inspired other businesses to do the same & will def. make your customers respect you more.


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