The Eagle Has Landed

fashionlush, london fog luggage, Malmö travel

& we have arrived, but not without a few hitches in our giddy up… because really, when does travel just ever go smoothly?

First, we are five minutes from the airport & I decide maybe I need to take a little happy pill (a very very small dose of anxiety medicine strictly for emergencies). I start digging through my bag & realize, I left them at home. Considering I am a pretty OCD packer, I started to freak. I never leave anything, & then I leave one of the most important things. Nine out of ten times I never ever take them, but they are always there as a security blanket, & I didn’t have my security blanket. Not gonna lie, I started bawling my eyes out like a 5 year old child.

My Mom offered to ship them to my hotel next day overnight, so I sucked up my tears, pulled on my big girl panties, & got on with it. We get to our gate, only to find out the flight is delayed 5 hours & not leaving till 1:30am. Cool beans.

fashionlush, travel anxiety, french 75

On the bright side, I called my doctor & had her fill me an emergency script. We took a cab to the closest CVS & solved that issue. Then, the waiting game commenced. We sipped on French 75’s (new fave drink!), got delirious, ate two bags of flaming hots, talked about how sugar is the devil, & documented it all on Snapchat.

Once we got on the plane, we were so exhausted, we both fell asleep pronto. I never even took a happy pill after all. I woke up once to turbulence, freaked out, & fell back asleep in 5 minutes. Next thing I knew, we were landing. TOTAL breeze of a flight.

Once we arrived & got to our AirBNB (p.s. cutest place ever w/ an insane chandelier, seen below!), I fell asleep in my clothes on the couch with my phone in my hand.

fashionlush, chandelier, Malmö travel

Next day was the contest, which is what brought us out here in the first place (& Copenhagen Fashion Week, but we will get to that when we get to CPH). Ultra Bowl is a skate contest based in Malmö & Zack is invited every year to film it. It’s a huge event on the beach in Malmö with live music, bomb food, & tons of skating. Good times for sure.

Other than that, we’ve just been a bit jet lagged & trying to get on this schedule. We have cruised around a bit, tested out the public transit, & ooh-ed and aah-ed over the rad old buildings. That’s one of my favorite things about Europe, they don’t rush to redo every building like us crazy Americans always trying to keep up with Joneses, so they are so full of charm!

As for what to expect on the blog while I’m away, well that’s a good question. Last year when we did this trip, I had posting planned out to a tee. This year, not so much. I’m just gonna roll with it. Somedays it will be a recap of what we’re doing, somedays it will be what we ate, somedays it will be what I wore, & maybe somedays I will just take a breather. It’s hard for me NOT to work, but I am really going to try to soak all this in & hit the reset button.

I will be uber active on Instagram & Snapchat (un: fashionlush) so be sure to follow along there!

Skål (cheers in Swedish), E

fashionlush, swedish decor, Malmö travel

» loving our very Swedish bedroom! «

fashionlush, coffee porn, Malmö travel

» Wi-Fi break at the Coffee Factory, where we ordered dirty Chai’s & were looked at like we were freaking ET. Turned out to be the best dirty Chai we’ve ever had! «

fashionlush, travel Sweden, Malmö travel

» left to right: kimchi kabobs (next level) | harassing yet another dog- this old Swedish man was named “Fracet” | for some reason we always drink a lot of Fanta in Sweden, this is a new passionfruit flavor that is so bomb (at home I avoid soda like the plague) | every single Swedish kid is so blonde… «

fashionlush, travel Sweden, Malmö travel

» visiting the most bomb falafel stand for a lazy lunch by the lake «

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8 Replies to “The Eagle Has Landed”

  1. 1. Sweden is one of my favorite places in the whole world – so insanely jealous

    2. totally with you on the happy pills – total security blanket – but i have had major panic attacks when they aren’t there… and then don’t take them when they are…

    3. YOUR HAIR!! omg it looks SO GOOD!! – and to tie it all back… I just did major cool blonde locks myself and THE BEST toning shampoo for blonde/silvergrey is SWEDISH!! as my colorist said… all the cool blondes are in sweden so it only makes sense (double meaning for ya haha) – its called REF (heres a link keeps your hair from turning yellow or brassy or god forbid… WARM < I can't do warm/hate warm on me/makes me look like I'm wearing a wig.

    4. your snaps legit are the best <3 ginger juice all day

    have so much fun!! enjoy the midnight sun and eat a ton of gravlax and crayfish :P

    xx B

    1. Ahh, you are so so so sweet times 100! I am totally getting that shampoo like, now. Thank you so much for the recommendation, WARM is literally my nemesis- lol. Thank you for all the kind words & for following the blog and Snapchat <3<3

  2. Wow it looks so beautiful and so fun! I would definitely say take a breather and enjoy yourself, everyone needs a vacation, bloggers are no exception! Also, I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do to your hair when you get back.. I’m loving to the sombre look!

    1. Thank you hun! I appreciate that, coming from one of my fabulous readers, that you won’t disappear if I go MIA for a few days ;)

  3. Your hair looks so bomb! If you didn’t mention that you were in Sweden / in an Air B&B, I would of totally thought that was your apartment because it is right on point with your style! This might be a dumb question, but what do you look for in airbnbs when you book them? I ask because I am trying to find one for the holidays in a place I’ve never been before (in fact, I’ve never done it before!) – so it would be interesting to know your thought process on it. Looking forward to posts on your trip, but enjoy the time off! Your readers will still be here – and living vicariously through your instagram!! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So, soo cool you get to spend it there – and may this be your best year yet, Erica! x

    1. Thank you Shannon! So glad to know my readers aren’t gonna bounce while I’m on vacay :). You’re so so so sweet & all your words mean a lot to me.

      As for booking an airBnB I look for a few things. First, what it looks like. I get anxiety travelling (as you may already know) & it’s so much better to have surroundings that are pleasing to the eye to make you feel more at home & excited about your trip. This was my first airBnB experience, so one thing I will definitely pay more attention to in the future is location from the city center. We were pretty far from everything, but luckily the public transportation over here is great! Other than that, just make sure your host from the beginning is helpful!! Ours was great, and getting recommendations from her helped our stay a ton!

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