Summer Whites

fashionlush, summer whites, a common space

Typically when shopping I always opt for the black option, but the seasons are changing, & I am having a major white moment.

Starting the summer wardrobe collection off right w/ this beautiful flowy frock from A Common Space (my new favorite online shopping destination, also featured in this post)!

Why is this dress the perfect LWD for summer? Well… it’s flowy, minimalistic, covered in the daintiest pleats known to man, & is fully lined!!!

When it comes to buying white pieces, my no.1 tip is to make sure they are FULLY LINED!!! If the piece isn’t lined & you step out in the sun, you might as well be naked because everyone around you is gonna see EVERYTHING (been there, done that, not cool…).

No. 2 tip? Carry a Tide pen in your purse at all times. Is it just me or do you also become 100x more accident prone when wearing white? That Tide pen has been a realllll lifesaver.

x, E


fashionlush, platform clogs, a common spacefashionlush, summer whites, a common spacefashionlush, summer whites, a common spacefashionlush, summer whites, a common spacefashionlush, summer whites, a common space

obsessed with this buttery leather backpack from ASOS. See what’s in it here!

wearing: A Common Space tiny pleats dress | platform clogs | tan leather drawstring backpack | round aviator sunglasses

The Summer Whites Edit
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