Strøget & Tattoos

fashionlush, ootd, copenhagen fashion

If you read my post about anxiety, you all know I was a nervous wreck leading up to this trip. So, I really wanted something to mark that I did it, something that I can look at in the future (maybe when the next big trip rolls around) and remember that it’s all gonna okay great & I can do anything I put my mind to.

Which is why Zack & I decided to get tattoos while in Copenhagen. We actually planned this all out prior to our trip. We browsed the web for design ideas, got on photoshop, each created our own tattoo, & researched high and low for the perfect place to get it done.

After multiple Google searches, reading reviews, & checking out tons of artists work- we decided we wanted to go to Meatshop Tattoo and get our work done by Luciano. We probably should’ve booked an appointment ahead of time, but since we didn’t really know what our schedule would be like, we figured we’d just wing it.

fashionlush, ootd, copenhagen fashion

As we were walking through one of our fave areas, Strøget (center of the city, great shopping, car-free, & delish Gyros!), we found ourselves consulting our iPhone maps only to look up and see the infamous Meatshop Tattoo. I swear, at the same exact time, the clouds cleared & the sun came shining over the signage. It was weird… & clearly a good sign.

We decided to just walk in & see what their schedule looked like. They were so so so incredibly nice & told us that Luciano could actually take us at that moment. Problem was, my phone with the images on it was dead. They told us it was NBD and we could come back the following morning. We literally skipped home and could barely sleep that night.

Day of– well, it was pretty much the best tattoo experience Zack & I have ever had. It was basically painless due to their state of the art machines (nothing we’ve seen in the states before), & the results were more than both of us even expected.

If you are ever in Copenhagen, & feel the dire need to get a tattoo, Meatshop is definitely the place to go! Scroll on through the pictures to see what I got & LMK what you think!!

xx, E

fashionlush, ootd, copenhagen fashion

++ Get the Look: plaid maxi button down dress || black buckle wedges (last season- similar style here) || round Ray-Ban sunnies || black & gold backpack || gold bangle set || gold lariat necklace || twisted gold ring || lips: Revlon in black cherry ++

fashionlush, meatshop tattoo, top knot

++ Luciano working his magic. ++

fashionlush, copenhagen, meatshop tattoo

I’ve debated back & forth sharing the meaning as I think tattoos are very personal– but I do want you guys to know why this is so important to me, so here goes.

These are three glyphs that all have different meanings. The first one means ‘transcend‘, second one means ‘protect‘, & the third one means ‘explore‘. Which to me, is the sum of all things this trip has represented in my life.

I am so in love with it, I literally jump out of bed every morning just to look at it. Zack always says “don’t worry babe, it’s still there!”. LOL.

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8 Replies to “Strøget & Tattoos”

  1. Beautiful tattoo!! I LOVE how it looks and love the meaning of it even more. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this tattoo so much!! Thanks for sharing the meaning behind it with us :) Just wondering, is there a book or site where you find the glyph meanings? Would love to look into some of them myself!

    1. If you do a google search you will find tons of different glyphs or you can consult a book of symbols possibly? Thanks for the kind words <3 xx

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