This & That | Green Thumb in Training

fashionlush, DIY, home decor

++ Sunday’s DIY essentials- stay tuned, this one is a real gem. ++

Guess what? I have a new found hobby, & it doesn’t involve being inside/ on the computer/ blogging/ or anything computer related!! Good thing, cause I am getting pretty pasty & lacking of Vitamin D.

I leave the house for the day & come home to the most epic surprise from the coolest man I know. Yup yup, he surprised me with my very own garden. I am not talking a dinky little starter garden, more like a gigantic planter filled w/ soil & ready to go. Props babe.

So, this past weekend, we were in full landscaping mode. We painted the planter, picked out our plants (jalapeno, chocolate mint, zucchini, lavender- just to name a few), & got out green thumb on big time. I even went the extra mile & crafted up some seriously cute plant markers– which will be on the blog soon. True story: gardening is literally the most relaxing thing to ever exist. I love.

All in all, I can’t wait for these lil’ babes to start growing, actually I am kind of obsessed w/ the fact that one day I will just need to head to my garden to grab dinner goods. I check them every 10 minutes & am even talking to them– rumor has it the good vibes help them grow nice & big. My neighbors most likely think I have lost it, but oh well. Anything to make my new friends happy.

If you’ve got any gardening tips? Share, share.

xx, E

fashionlush, starfruit

++ snacking on Starfruit! A childhood fave. ++

Fashionlush, black, gold, boots

++ Seasons shmeasons, I will be rocking these gold & black babes all Spring long #top5faves. ++

fashionlush, home decor, desk

++ All about leaning my art against the wall rather than hanging it. C’est chic. ++

fashionlush, palm tree, overlay

++ how many people can say they have their very own palm tree? Love walking outside & seeing this beaut every day! ++