This & That | Zero Moderation

kokopelli wind chime

Holy hangover from hell.

That was how I spent the better part of my Sunday. We had some friends in town this past weekend, so we got together and decided to host a variety of events. First was a boozy brunch at the uber cool Craft & Commerce, next a saki filled dinner at Katsuya + delish jalapeño cocktails, followed by flowing champs at Voyeur… & that was just Saturday.

I don’t know how, but one way or another, I managed to pull myself out of bed and made it to yet another mimosa brunch at Bailiwick on Sunday. Oy vey. While everyone was downing a morning bev, I was chugging gingerals. Hot mess would be an understatement, I wore my sunglasses the whole time. Afterwards, when everyone decided to go to some day party (g-d only knows how they made it), I had to head straight home to sleep off this hangover.

I will say this, even though I felt like absolute dog poo on Sunday, it was still a good time, as always.

I can also say that… for the first time ever… TGIM. I can start this new week fresh and give my bod some much needed TLC. Me and my juicer will be partying all week long. CHEERS.


+ Tweedle dee and tweedle dumn sunning. +

mini drumstick

+ Had to cheat on my GF ways for this mini Drumstick. It was well worth it. +

fashionlush this & that

+ A weekend extravaganza!! +

fashion illustration

+ P.S. Check out my newly designed about page featuring this unreal sketch of me & my B. Obsessed!! +

— E