Summer Workout Plan + DIY

fashionlush, the skinny confidential bombshell body guide, summer workout plan

K, so I have had a few people ask me what my workout routine is…

Truth be told, I am not a fan of working out.

I am not one of those lunatics people who get high off the endorphins & love getting their sweat on. Actually, I break out in hives. Literally.

People think I’m joking when I say I’m allergic to exercise, but it is no joke. I have this thing called Chronic Urticaria & whenever I do any outdoor fitness my legs itch like crazy. It can be easily fixed with a Claritin or Benadryl, but still… it’s always been a great excuse to avoid any outdoor activities.

That being said, over the past few months, I’ve pretty much nailed down a workout routine that (dare I say?) I honestly actually enjoy. Just in time for bikini season!!

fashionlush, the skinny confidential bombshell body guide, summer workout plan

My BFF, Lauryn Evarts from The Skinny Confidential has alwaysss been my fitness guru (lucky me, my own personal fitness coach!). She knows first hand my aversion to exercise as well as my allergy… so throughout the years she has been recommending different workouts that would fit my needs.

She got me addicted to going up n’ inch & down n’ inch at barre, gossiped with me on the best hiking trails (all hopped up on Benadryl), & as of recently she presented me with my dream workout, her Bombshell Body Guide.

Here are a few reasons I’m so into the BBG::

» Time is money & I know first hand that Lauryn gets that, which makes this routine so on point. The workouts are 27 minutes long, 3x a week… easy peasy.

» You can do all the workouts from home & all you need is a set of 5 pounders and a chair/bench.

» Jamie McFaden (trainer to the stars) collaborated on this project. She worked with Jillian Michaels, who has the most rocking bod on the planet, so that’s pretty damn cool.

» There is a full blown online community to talk about your fitness goals, ask questions, swap recipes, get support, & share tips with Lauryn & the other members.

» Results are FAST. Within two weeks my definition & tone were on point.

» These workouts lean you out rather than bulk you up. I have this thing with my legs, they are naturally thin, but not in a cute way (they are weak & need some serious tone-age). Most workouts make my legs look BULKY, so I end up cheating my way through the leg workout, which pretty much defeats the whole purpose. This routine gives me the tone, minus the body builder type bulk that I hate.

Alright, so there you have it, that my friends… is how I’m getting my bod prepped for Summer (& wedding season!). Sign up for the Bombshell Body Guide here & let’s be friends in the BBG community.

Keep reading for a quickie DIY to make your workout binder uber cute!

x, E

fashionlush, the skinny confidential bombshell body guide, summer workout plan

The best way to do this BBG is to print it out so that you can easily reference all the workouts & the fitness glossary. Clearly I have a thing for marble DIY’s, so I decided to give my binder a chic marble makeover.

Something about having a cute binder to hold your workouts in makes doing the workouts that much more fun, right? Here’s what you will need to make your own bad ass BBG binder…

what you’ll need: marble contact paper | white binder | x-acto knife | scissors

1. Using the binder as a guide, cut squares one half inch larger than the front & back of the binder.

2. Peel of backing & stick to one side of the binder. Press out all bubbles & trim edges with x-acto knife. Repeat on other side.

3. Open the binder & repeat step two on the folder sleeves of the binder. Instead of trimming the top edge, so you don’t cut the binder, fold over & stick.

fashionlush, the skinny confidential bombshell body guide, summer workout plan