WARNING: If you are uber sensitive & can’t take some constructive criticism, stop reading. I have some personal words of wisdom to share & there will be no sugar coating at all whatsoever.
Ready, set, preach…
If you are NOT happy with where your life is at right this minute– don’t even think about writing down a mindless list of resolutions (i.e. ditch the gossip rags/ paint your nails 1x a week/ stop chewing gum). It’s a complete waste of trees & time.
Stop sobbing about how much you hate your job, how you want a man, how you don’t have kids yet, how you are devastated you never became a chef/fashion designer/rocket scientist. Instead, use that pencil & paper to start jotting down what you need to do to make the much needed changes in your life. Don’t waste your life away thinking “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve”… just do!!!!
I can promise you this- no one, & I mean NO ONE, wants to hear your whining.
When your parents told you as a kid you could do ANYTHING you want in the world, they were right. What they probably didn’t tell you was that you have to work really effing hard to get it. But what’s so bad about that? If you are working towards something you really want… trust me, it won’t feel like work. Plus, if you don’t like what you’ve currently got going on, chances are there isn’t much to lose here.
People say to me allll the freaking time, “YOU ARE SOOOO LUCKY YOU WORK FROM HOME!!!”.
Let me tell you all a lil’ something– I hate despise when people say that to me. Lucky isn’t real, & honestly… it’s a bit insulting. I didn’t just wake up one day to my dream job. I actually worked more jobs than I can count on my ten fingers that I hated and I bitched & complained about each and every one of them. Guess where that got me? In another job I hated w/ a few less friends.
(queue the cheese…)
It wasn’t until I started practicing having a PMA (positive mental attitude) & began making serious moves that I started living my dream. I stopped with the 9-5 jobs, ditched the people that were bringing me down, & did what needed to be done to get where I wanted to be. Am I done? Absolutely not. Am I happier than I was a year ago? You have no idea…
So– there you have it, some pre-NYE hype courtesy of yours truly.
xx, E