My January Crush

fashionlush by erica stolman

This jumper though… 

You know how you watch those extreme couponing shows & you think those people are crazy for spending so much time digging through the trash to find the coupons in their neighbors thrown away newspapers?

Well, I can’t say that they aren’t bat shit… but I also kinda get it. I relate it to my thrifting-addiction.

You find an amazing piece, & the thrift store peeps don’t even know how good it is, so you get it for an insane price (think < $10). Next thing you know, you’re high & hooked.

Welcome to my life… if only they had meetings for this type of thing.

xx, E

silk overalls fashion

// Get the Look //
+ Silk Jumper- similar style found here.
+ Ribbed white tank found here.
+ Western Redux Pointed Booties found here.
+ Oversized clutch- similar style found here.
+ Geometric necklace found here.
+ Circle sunnies- similar style found here.
+ Bangles found here & here

geometric accessories 2014