& in other internet news…

Young Versace Fall campaign cococo camouflage couch vogue instagram photo shoot the innovation of loneliness prinstagram tiny book arizona iced tea miley cyrus one teaspoon leopard jacket karen walker kids campaign

1. The Fall 2013 Young Versace campaign kind of makes me want to have a kid, or steal one for a little. JK JK JK, don’t call the cops, I swear I have no plans to kidnap. Although I really want to dress a small person in all the looks.

2. I honestly can’t decide if a camo couch is tacky or extremely cool, but I seriously kind of love it.

3. Instagram is taking over the world, & Vogue too. Check out #VogueInstaFashion, Vogue’s very first Instagram only photo shoot.

4. Speaking of social media… I highly highly highly suggest you watch this video “The Innovation of Loneliness“. I swear, it’s not boring at all, & it may really solve some issues in your life (hint hint: get off Facebook/Insta/Twitter for a sec).

5. Like I said above… Instagram is taking over the world… & this post. Oh well, this is a good one. Prinstagram is a new company that prints your Instapix in fun ways, my favorite being the teeny tiny Insta photo albums. Obviously I got them (three for ten bucks) so I can expand my “mini things” collection.

6. AriZona Iced Tea’s letter to Miley Cyrus. Read it, trust me, it’s LOL.

7. Dreaming of this jacket for Fall. Totally too expensive, keeping my out for a “poor girl” version. I’ll keep you posted.

8. Another kid-related-fashion story. Karen Walker’s summer sunnies campaign featured strictly bambinos, and it was seriously too cute to handle. I know it’s Fall… but I only recently saw it. (source)