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& here are just a few things that got my attention this week on the world wide web…

1. It’s shark week, and instead of watching the shows that scare the shit out of me on T.V., I’ve been watching Shark Cat ride around on a Roomba. Trust me, it’s worth a watch, and much less brutal.

2. Big thanks to my roomie for sending me this great article. Olivia Wilde shares her advice on turning 30, and although I’ve still got a few years to go, it was eye-opening and very well written.

3. Celebrate what would be Andy Warhol’s belated 85th B-Day (it was three days ago) with this complete list of Andy Warhol movies. Factory Girl has always been in my top 5.

4. Another ode to shark week. Check out this post for some of the coolest shark inspired mani’s out there.

5. Drooling of these Miista white Luna boots. I have a shoe of every color, minus white, which obviously is the perfect excuse to treat myself. Right??

6. Fellow bloggers, ever received a product you hated, but didn’t know how to break it to the company you weren’t featuring it? Here is a great article on exactly how to deal with this sort of issue. #bloggerproblems

7. Barbie, the bitch really has everything, including a chic new Fall wardrobe from Coach. She will forever be the most fashionable. (source)

8. I randomly bought a can of coconut milk at the grocery (saw someone else doing it, I decided it looked like a good idea). I didn’t know what to make with it, until I saw this ridiculously yummy looking recipe for coconut milk/ lavender/ and fruit popsicles. Stay tuned for that one ;).