Father’s Day Gifts | Stuff He’ll Actually Like

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Meet Rick Stolman: my BFF, the coolest dude I know, my personality twin, the hardest man in the world to shop for ever, & my amazing DAD!

For every single occasion ever, my Dad always says he wants nothing. The sentiment is sweet, but almost always results in a gift he doesn’t like (cause who really listens to someone when they say they want nothing?!). The ONE time he told me he wanted something, it was a can opener. Not the fancy kind of can opener, just a basic old school/twist handle can opener.

To this day, he says it’s the best gift he has ever gotten. Jeez Dad, how on earth will I ever top a can opener?

Well, this year I am def. trying to out do that coveted can opener & during my extensive shopping research for MY dad, I found some great options for all types of Dad’s in this world.

I think I covered all the bases, but if all else fails… you can always get him tickets to Jurassic World! What Dad wouldn’t love a movie date (ft. dinosaurs) with his favorite kid?

What are YOU guys getting your Pops for Father’s Day? Always open to new ideas, as long as you don’t say can opener.

x, E

p.s. to shop my Father’s Day gift picks just click on the text links in the below image (easy, peasy) or scroll to the bottom of this post! 

Shop Father’s Day Gifts