Travel VLOG | San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico

AHHH! I have been on the edge of my desk chair waiting to share this video with you guys & I am so.freaking.excited about it.

Seriously, this video is my favorite thing ever right now ane I can’t stop watching/crying about how much I dearly miss Cabo. Take me back,  yesterday. I am craving grilled pineapple by the ocean + Edith’s famous Caesar salad in a big big way.

I came across this rad quote on a greeting card the other day & it seemed super fitting for today’s post:: “travelling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller”.

[ sidenote: guess what card Zack picked out for me for VDay?? Yup, this exact one. WEIRD, RIGHT?! ]

ANYWAYS, these travel VLOG’s we create are our super fun way of being storytellers for all of you guys. Nowadays we have endless ways to share our experiences (i.e. Snapchat & Instagram), but those can be fleeting & nothing quite beats the vibe of a good old video. It’s crazy how easy you can forget the small things of your past, so yes, these videos are ones I always cherish.

PLUS, it’s the projects like these that make me so grateful I live in such a creative space where I can collaborate on these mini masterpieces that I will have forever & ever.

I have to give major props x infinity to my incredibly talented boyfriend for capturing our trip in such a insanely amazing way. He is the coolest & this video truley blew my mind. Great work hunny, great work.

Anyways, I reallllly hope you guys like it Now I’m off to stream the video to my TV & watch it a hundred times over while pretending my sparkling water is actually a spicy marg. UGH. Luckily for me, my BFF is getting married their in November so I will be back in a blink.

Check out some of our other travel VLOGS here & stay tuned for more rad videos in the future (feeling SO inspired right now!!).

x, E

P.S. Be sure to check out the Fashionlush Guide to Cabo + shop my vacation looks seen in the video here & here!

P.P.S totally raised on Biggy & Nirvana.