Tips for Bouncing Back after a Vacay… like a boss

bouncing back after a vacay, fashionlush, spring street style

I have shared with you guys before how to dodge getting the post-vacation blues… cause they are REAL & such a bummer (but also, avoidable), but today I wanna talk about just how to bounce back to normal life in general… or atleast how I do it.

Every time, like clockwork, I get home from a vacation, I feel so incredibly overwhelmed & then I get paralyzed in that stress. There is SO much to do after a vacation. Clean out the fridge, dust the house, put away clothes, do laundry, get the dogs from the dog sitter, they need more dog food, the house is pig sty, no groceries, oh… & all that work you avoided when being away. HOLY F*CK, that’s the kinda stuff that will make your head explode.

So, what do I do to make this whole coming home transition easier? Easy peasy, just a few habits to take the edge off: 

1. PLAN AHEAD for a smooth return. Leave the house clean, come home to the house clean. Just a small thing that makes all the difference. I clean out the fridge before we leave so that we don’t come home to anything nasty & always make sure the house looks nice. It makes a world of difference coming home to a clean space.

2. Immediately take a shower. IDK about you guys, but I like to take a shower ASAP. Washing off the airplane just feels good & gives you a boost to start getting life back on track.

3. Unpack… stat. I never wait to unpack. It will take you a solid 30 minutes, but just get it over with. TRUST ME. Majority of your clothes will be dirty, so just hang what is clean & get on wit the laundry. The sooner all your stuff is in place, the sooner you will be able to relax.

4. Give yourself a few days to get your shit together. No rush on getting your life back on track. If you need a few days to mellow out… give yourself a few days. I like to plan coming home from a trip closer to the weekend so I don’t feel like I have to jump back into the grind ASAP.

5. Get back on your workout routine. Working out boosts your endorphins, so that’s the only thing I’d say not to lag on… head to the gym ASAP.

Anything I am missing… cause, speaking of working out, I gotta get ready for my first day back at Orange Theory (have you guys tried OT? It’s amazing!).

Please share your best post vacay bounce back tips below & you can also shop this look at the end of this post (lovvvvving a glen plaid moment!!) x, E 

bouncing back after a vacay, fashionlush, spring street style

wearing: the perfect white tank | vinyl mini skirt | glen plaid duster coat (sold out- similar/cooler style here… love the flared sleeves!) | large fishnet tights | studded ankle boots | Quay ‘high key’ aviators