Time to Upgrade Your Sunscreen… Cause HEV Light is Ruining Your Skin!!!

fashionlush, hev light skin effects and protection

If you live with a computer or phone glued to your face, so basically everyone these days, you NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HEV LIGHT.

HEV light, aka blue light, is a real Debbie Downer. I already know what it does for my circadian rhythms, my weight (yes, it makes you gain weight- UGH), my anxiety (it effect’s this too) & my vision… but now I am adding to the list of blue light probs.

HEV LIGHT DAMAGES YOUR SKIN!!! If I wasn’t already taking measures against the harm of HEV light, this certainly got my attention. Don’t get me wrong, I try to do all the right things to avoid as much blue light as possible, but when you say skin is being damaged, that really changes things.

I am a fucking nut about my skin, especially being in 30’s, & this may be the only thing that actually get’s me to put my devices down more often. I already have a case of tech neck, the last thing I need is more aging issues due to my electronics THANK YOU V MUCH.

Especially being that I am a blogger… I am always trying new skincare products, but how am I supposed to give any advice if the core problem is the phone I am using to post about all these amazing products? It’s a double edge sword.

The conversation about the problems caused by HEV light has been going on for a while, but the U.S. is only just catching onto the whole skin damage part of the equation. Japan, of course, has been on top of this problem for a hot minute now… & when Japan is onto something in regards to skincare, you know it’s time to pay close attention.

Writing this post & doing my research on HEV blue light has been nothing short of terrifying, but I feel like I would be doing a disservice to you guys NOT TO SHARE. I feel bad being the bearer of such shitty news, but I just care too much about you guys to let you be the victim of iPhone induced wrinkles.

fashionlush, hev light skin effects and protection


I am really bad at understanding things like this when written super scientifically. So I am gonna do an HEV LIGHT for dummies breakdown. If you are a light expert, feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I am just trying to put all of this information into words you guys (& myself) can actually understand.

The sun consists of red, orange, yellow, green, & blue light rays. When combined, they produce SUNLIGHT (aka white light). Each color, individually, contains energy which is determined by the wavelength of each light ray. The longer the wavelength, the less energy produced.

The rays toward the red end of the spectrum have shorter wavelengths/less energy. This is infrared light & due to the low amount of energy/short wavelength, the side effects of red light exposure is minimal.

On the other end of the light spectrum you have blue light which has shorter wavelengths, and so much more energy. This is where the harmful UV rays live… just outside the visible spectrum.

In the middle, you have your visible light & this is where HEV blue light lives. Right at the end of the visible light spectrum & right before the invisible one. The fact that it isn’t in the same zone as UVA/UVB rays would make you think that’s a bonus, but actually… that’s where the problem lies.

How HEV Light Damages Your Skin

HEV light stands for HIGH ENERGY VISIBLE light (vs. invisible, like UVA & UVB) & can actually penetrate more layers of the skin then UVA & UVB…. which is why we all need to be fully in the know when it comes to the dangers of visible blue light exposure.

Here is a quickie breakdown of UVA vs UVB vs HEV:

+ UVB rays penetrate the top layer of your skin- the Epidermis. This is the light that causes sunburns, short term visible damage to your skin, & over time- skin cancer. UVB rays are stronger at different times in the day.

+ UVA rays penetrate the top layer of your skin & the layer right below it- the Epidermis & the Dermis. UVA rays are present all the time (even when it is cloudy) & can penetrate glass. These two things are the reason you need to ALWAYS wear a broad spectrum sunscreen! UVA rays are what get you tan, but can also cause premature aging along with skin cancer.

+ HEV light makes it through all three layers- the Epidermis, the Dermis, AND the Hypodermis. A triple whammy of penetration.

When HEV light penetrates to these deep skin layers, it causes serious damage to your skins structure & is said to be as powerful as oUVA & UVB rays combined.

Basically, it breaks down your skin’s support system, the collagen & elastin that keeps your skin looking PLUMP. Plump skin is the key to looking young, & the oxidative stress from HEV light breaks down all that much needed plumpness.

Also, there is the issue of pigmentation coming from HEV light. I have two friends & one family member who suffer from hyper pigmentation so I will definitely be sending them the link to this post. HEV light has been said to make hyper pigmentation more visible & can also increase the visibility of sun spots.

All of this being said, the scientific research is minimal into HEV light as it is a pretty new phenomenon in the world of skin damage. This has definitely brought about a lot of skeptics who won’t buy it until the scientific evidence is found. I get that, but also, I am not taking any chances when it comes to my skin.

The few scientific studies I did find, for those of you who need back up: 

+ Liposhield HEV Melanin: Protection from the adverse effects of High Energy Visible (HEV) Light. Disclaimer- this study looks like it was was done by the company selling HEV protection products. So I am unsure on the bias.

Visible Radiation Affects Epidermal Permeability Barrier Recovery: Selective Effects of Red and Blue Light

Differences in visible light-induced pigmentation according to wavelengths: a clinical and histological study in comparison with UVB exposure

Study Claims SMARTPHONE (HEV) May Damage Your Skin More Than Sun Burn

Luckily, there is no evidence that HEV causes skin cancer, so that’s a huge bonus!

hev light skin effects and protection, hev protection sunscreen

How To Protect Your Skin Against HEV Light Damage

1. use sunscreen/products with HEV protection

To be clear- not any old sunscreen will work. Just because it protects against UVA & UVB rays doesn’t mean it protects against HEV as well. HEV is definitely being talked about in the skincare industry, but not everyone is catching on just yet. So, although there are great HEV protection products, you gotta seek ’em out.

I got this sunscreen by SPF Rx on Amazon & have been using it religiously. The reviews were stellar, & so far, it’s living up to the hype. I love the fact, on top of protecting against HEV light, it also has hyaluronic acid to promote that coveted plumpness we all want.

I linked a whole bunch of HEV protecting products at the end of this post, but next on my list is definitely this HEV protection primer people are swearing by.

2. load up on antioxidants/vitamins

If you are having a hard time finding the right HEV protection product or aren’t fully ready to abandoned your tried & true sunscreen- you can also help battle the oxidative stress from HEV light with antioxidants.

The big one being talked about for skin damage caused by the sun’s (or your iPhone’s) harmful rays is Licochalcone A. This is a super powerful anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant that comes from the root of the Chinese Licorice plant. It neutralizes free radicals & provides protection against HEV damage. It is used in a lot of sunscreens & A LOT of Eucerin products for redness relief.

Also- try incorporating a vitamin c serum into your routine to even out pigmentation, retinol cream to stimulate collagen/renew skin at a cellular level, & vitamin b3 serum to repair the skin’s barrier.

4. reapply sunscreen after you wash your face, if you intend to be on your electronic devices

I always wash my face the second I get home as I HATE having makeup sit on my face any longer then it needs to. I always work on the computer for hours after my face is washed. So I actually put sunscreen on after I fully cleanse my face.

I know- sounds crazy, but nighttime is when I spent the most time on my blue light emitting electronics. The computer screen is in front of my face, the TV is on, & of course- nighttime is my time to browse Instagram. I put it on & then before I hit the sheets, I do a second *very quick* face wash.

5. get earphones if you talk on the phone a lot!

NO BRAINER. Nothing is worse then having that blue light sitting directly on your cheek. Especially if you’re prone to hyper pigmentation in that area. I personally talk on speaker phone only. So there is that option as well if you don’t want to buy those weird looking fancy cordless earbuds from Apple.

6. get a good night sleep

Load up on all your serums & GO TO BED. I need to tell myself this more cause my sleep schedule sucks, but we all know- the regenerative process your skin takes on while snoozing is more effective than any product you can find.

