Rich Girl/ Poor Girl: The Coveted Rag & Bone Easy Sweatpants

rag & bone easy sweats

Sorry I’m not sorry, but majority of the time you will find me wearing sweats.

I guess this isn’t something a fashion blogger should openly admit, but honestly- IDC. I think it’s hilar that the masses assume us bloggers are decked out head to toe all day everyday (read more about the ‘blogger facade’ here). That honestly couldn’t be further from the truth.

To paint a more appropriate picture for ya, most days you will find me working in sweats & my unicorn slippers one the couch while Law & Order SVU is playing in the background. When it’s time for me to leave the house for whatever tedious reason, I will throw on a pair of combat boots/ the biggest sunnies I own/ &, if you’re lucky, brush my hair.

That said, I do have some standards/limits. I reallllly do my very best to avoid throwing on my boyfriend’s 10x too large unattractive sweats, no matter how comfortable they are. Instead, I have recently been hunting for/ purchasing comfy AND cute sweats (<— truth, it’s a real thing).

Latest score? The most amazing heather grey skinny sweats from Need Supply that are an effing spitting image of the Rag & Bone Easy sweatpants.

Cause honestly, spending $350 on SWEATPANTS is 100% bat shit cray. Literally, if you made/make that purchase, commit yourself yesterday.

xx, E