I am not sure what’s more bipolar– the weather in San Diego or my views on the San Diego weather???
On the one side of the coin, I despise Summer. It’s hot, my fan won’t ever be strong enough to keep me even slightly comfortable, the air conditioning in my car doesn’t work & it’s too damn hot to drive it all the way to the dealership to get it fixed, the cold side of the pillow is only cold for appx. 5 seconds- which is seriously the worst thing ever, Bitzy pants all day long yet refuses to drink water (finnicky lil you-know-what), & the thought of wearing anything but a loose sundress gives me severe anxiety.
Flip it, & all the sudden I love/can’t wait for Summer. The mellow beach days, sleeping sans a comforter, sipping fruit detox water on the regs (& the occasional ice cold Corona Light), getting the perfect tan, cheeky bikinis, wearing a different pair of sunnies for each day of the week, pastel pedicures, summer fashion, etc. etc.
Summer > Fall or is Fall > Summer?! Thoughts?
With the above ‘Summer Lush List’– I am really leaning towards the Summer side right about now. There are just too many fab goodies getting me into the full Summah swing. Atleast if I get heat stroke I will be looking uber chic in a white romper, oversized hat, & see-through flamingo clutch.
Clearly I’ve got my priorities are in line.
xx, E