This & That: Simplify Your Life

fashionlush, minimalism, quotes

This past weekend, I went ape shit on my house/life/closet. 

I was sitting on my couch drinking my morning matcha & while weeding through my inbox & I started looking around. My house is typically pretty neat thanks to my OCD tendencies (poor Zack isn’t even allowed to unfold a blanket w/o getting the death stare from this psycho) , but at that moment I had the overwhelming urge to switch things up, pare down, & get rid of every single thing I’ve been hoarding for way too long.

Every once in a blue moon, I get in these moods where all I want to do is organize. I start & I literally can’t stop… or speak for that matter. Once I’m in this zone, just count me out of any conversation and/or eye contact. Focused & aggressive.

I started in on my junk drawers, my desk, the bookshelves, the kitchen cabinet, my closet (this was major!), & every other nook & cranny where I have decided to shove pointless shit over the years. I was legit crazed, but the end result had me feeling calmer than ever.

It’s a wonder what purging can do for your psyche/sanity, so I highly suggest you try it. Trust me, you 100% do not need that effing BP tank top you got in the 7th grade & are holding onto because it’s the shirt you were wearing when you got asked on your first date by an older guy. The guy is gone, the date was a nightmare, & that hideous ratty number is just a waste of a hanger.

… & what better time to simplify your life than right before the new year? Clean the slate & be out with the old to make room for the new.

“The less you own, the less that owns you.”

xx, E

[ p.s. to shop my pre-loved pieces, download my fave app, Depop, & follow me! ]

fashionlush, black and white, flat lay

» #regram: the weekend essentials, & yes… boxed water is way better!! «

fashionlush, minimalism, home decor

» chic black mules doubling as bedside bookends. «

fashionlush, gold cutlery, home decor

» teeny tiny gold cocktail forks. «

fashionlush, cardiff by the sea, airbnb

» Another recent simplifying project: this redecorated family home of mine which is now the cutest lil’ airbnb offering in Cardiff. If you’re considering a visit (which you def. should!), stay here & invite me over for wine & ping pong. «

» Shop the Post: «

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6 Replies to “This & That: Simplify Your Life”

  1. This a pic of your place? Thats what I’ve been doing all week. Cleaning and purging. More to do.

  2. I always get the urge to clean right after Christmas. And same deal, super focused! And I love those forks!

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