Sayonara Summer + My Latest Hobby

fashionlush, fashion gif, summer fashion 2014

I am not/ never have been/ never will be the type of person who picks up hobbies “just for the fun of it”.

If I feel I have a free second to maybe have a hobby, there has to be a legit reason behind it & I have to be fully prepared to master it. I am not just going to stroll into a ceramics class w/o a vision only to end up with a deformed vase I hate, but never have the heart to give away. I am going to study ceramics, bring along a photo, & make sure it perfectly matches the decor of my home.

Which brings me to my latest hobby obsession: calligraphy. Well for now, it’s actually faux calligraphy, but once I master that I will be upping my game with the real thing. So far it’s been a struggle, mainly cause I have terrible penmanship, but I am determined to nail this one down.

LMK what you think of the GIF above– it’s my first go, but it’s not half bad. Right? Oh, & if you have any calligraphy tips/tricks/products, I’d love to hear ’em.

fashionlush, vintage gucci, summer fashion 2014

As for this lil’ #OOTD, I felt it was necessary to share my no.1 fave look of the Summer. For the past few months I’ve been rocking various versions of this denim cut-offs/floor duster/sneaker combo on the reg. It’s easy, looks put together, & most importantly… keeps me cool.

On this particular day, I wore this go-to look of mine to Home Depot to gather plants for my Fall harvest. Cause when it comes to hobbies, gardening is totes my main squeeze.

What’s your guys fave hobby? Please- tell, tell.

xx, E

fashionlush, sneaker fashion, summer fashion 2014

++ Get the Look: O’Neill Around Town shorts || the perfect white tank || floor duster- vintage, similar || New Balance 620 sneakers in burgundy || black studded belt- similar || Grandma’s vintage Gucci- similar || Mirrored Ray-Ban Clubmasters- similar || pocket watch necklace || turquoise ring- similar || arm band bracelet- similar || vintage sterling cuffs- similar here & here. ++

fashionlush, vintage gucci,  summer fashion 2014fashionlush, floor duster, summer fashion 2014 fashionlush, arm band summer fashion 2014

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