Poolside Transition

fashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, poncho

Now that it’s officially Spring, the wardrobe transition has begun.

Can’t say I am totally ready, considering Winter lasted a hot minute, but I am doing my best to find new ways to incorporate some of my Fall faves (majority of which still have tags on them!) into the start of swimsuit season.

I originally envisioned wearing this new poncho (p.s. loving poncho!) with skinny jeans & boots, but considering the high temps we have had lately, I decided to rock it as a swimsuit coverup instead. I paired it with my navy Fedora (another Fall purchase), & some Levi cut-offs for the perfect poolside outfit.

Speaking of Spring, I’ve been doing a lot of trendspotting lately and, I can’t believe I am saying this but, I am reallllly excited for pastels & maybe even some print mixing! It’s totally out of my comfort zone, but I think I could use a little color in my life.

Any trends you guys are excited for this Spring? I am doing a Summer prep/shopping guide soon on the blog so would love your guys input!!

x, E

[ photo cred: Zack Dowdy | location: The Lafayette Hotel, Swim Club & Bungalows ]

fashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, poncho
fashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, ponchofashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, amuse society onepiecefashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, amuse society onepiecefashionlush, urban outfitters, spring fashion, amuse society onepiece

wearing: Amuse Society sky eyelet one-piece | Levi’s 501 slash cutoffs | striped poncho | navy fedora | turquoise skinny belt | high-top Converse (my summer go-to shoe) | Saint Laurent Classic 11 aviators (budget version here).

Poncho Picks

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