My Top 5 Netflix Binges of 2018 (SO Far!)

fashionlush, top netflix binges of 2018

I am 100% that friend that starts conversations off with “what good shows are you watching”, followed by a list of everything I have watched lately. TV is my thing… actually it’s an entire Stolman family thing. My mom, sister, & myself always watch shows at the same time & then talk about the ending over lunch. It’s our little modern day book club (plus, the two of them read a lot of magazines so they always know the latest & greatest show of the moment!).

SPEAKING OF BOOK CLUBS, it was my book club post I did a few weeks ago that made me want to talk TV. Don’t get me WRONG, I love to read & it’s way better for the brain then staring at a TV, but I can’t help it- there is nothing better than a good old fashion Netflix binge.

Typically on Sunday’s, Zack & I like to bring the comforter to the couch (we have the most amazing couch that pulls out into a huge square!), get the dogs up there with us, order Postmates & binge on an amazing show. That was yesterday’s big plans, & while we were binging on an amazing new show I knew I had to share this Netflix knowledge with all of you guys.

Scope my top picks below, & if you HAVE A SHOW I need to watch, please share!!! Once I wrap up a few of the below shows I will be fresh out of shows to watch, so help a TV loving sister out. x, E

The Best Netflix Binges of 2018

i. Grace & Frankie

Specifically, the new season!!! If you haven’t watched ANY Grace & Frankie at all, I am jealous & you should start from the beginning. I am typically MUCH more into a true crime/drama/serial killer moment, but every ONCE in a while that right comedy comes along & sucks me in. 

Grace & Frankie is that comedy, & it’s fucking hilarious. When you watch it you will either want to be Grace and/or Frankie, or wants a friendship like theirs. I am watching it as we “speak”, which is probably why this post has taken me longer than it should, I have to take breaks to fully focus on the comedy that is happening. Also, Frankie gives me major Linda Stolman vibes. 

ii. Seven Seconds

I just started watching this show, so I am only about 3 episodes in, & juggling my desire to watch this with my desire to wrap up Grace & Frankie is causing major conflict. In my life. This one, Seven Seconds, in the true crime show of the moment. Everyone is talking about it, for good reason. It is a real suck you in kinda show. 

Since I haven’t finished it yet, I am weary to talk too much about it cause I am unsure what would be a spoiler or not at this point- but to sum it up it is about the ongoing issue of race in the justice system. I just did a quick Google to see what I could say without ruining anything, & it seems SOME people are thinking it’s bleak but other people are raving about it. Personally, I got hooked. There are some slow parts, but it’s one of those shows where you know exactly what happened from the start, so each episode more & more of the story unfolds. 

iii. Retribution

This mini-series (only four episodes!) was great-  we watched it in one sitting. It is one of those shows you have to focus fully on cause things move QUICK, but it’s about a horrific murder, a coincidence, & a cover up. All the makings for an on the edge of your seat binge. 

The whole show you are wondering, thinking, & guessing “who did it” & when you finally find out who actually did it-  you will be shocked. It was shocking, & I liked that it was a quickie binge. It was like an extra long movie with breaks in between. Rumor is going around there will be a second season, which although I am not sure how, I am excited to see if that pans out. 

iv. Black Mirror

Black Mirror has been around for a hot minute, but I only just recently wrapped it up. I actually started it before but I ended up getting lost in a new show & at that point I figured if it didn’t suck me in episode 1, it wasn’t gonna be my kinda show. 

I was so wrong. With Black Mirror, it’s all about WHAT show you start on. It’s got a Twilight series feel to it cause every episode is different, & super creepy. It is pretty much all based in the future, but not like overly futuristic. All the scenarios seem totally believable for what is to come, & that is what makes it so damn creepy.

Some of my personal favorite episodes, all of which are good starting points are: San Junipero, White Christmas, Nosedive (SO REAL), Black Museum, Be Right Back, & The Entire History of You! Watch all of those first, or one of those, each season is SO short & it goes so quick.

v. Travels with my Father

Okay, another comedy, but this comedy is not like your normal comedy. I am still not 100% sure if it was scripted or real life, I am thinking it met somewhere in the middle. Jack Whitehall is a comedian & he asks his uptight British father to travel through Southeast Asia with him. 

His father is expecting 5 star hotels (& you could never imagine anything less once you see him), while his son is all about that hostel life. It is seriously the funniest show I have seen in ages. Zack & I had a tissue box nearby for the next level tears of laughter. Please, do yourself a favor & watch this show.

**also, side note, I am making my way through this list of true crime documentaries/docu-series as well!**

4 Replies to “My Top 5 Netflix Binges of 2018 (SO Far!)”

  1. If you’re into true crime/drama/serial killer, I HIGHLY recommend The Five! I think it hits your points, and it’s very different than what else I’ve seen. Top notch all around. Another show I recommend to everyone is Travelers! It’s more drama than anything else, but it has its lighthearted moments, and overall an amazing show.

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