A Spicy Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Idea | Naughty or Nice

fashionlush, valentine's day, gift ideas

Need a last minute Valentine’s gift for your significant other? Want something a little less The Notebook & a bit more 50 Shades of Grey?

Great, I have the perfectttt idea for you! It’s a gift giving game called “naughty or nice” & here’s how it goes down:

1. Buy two presents: one that is naughty & one that is nice (but both sexy!).

2. Wrap the naughty present in black wrapping paper w/ a bright red bow & wrap the nice present in baby pink paper w/ a sparkly white bow.

3. At the end of the night, after a bottle of bubbly, present your beau with the nice & the naughty packages. Let him know he can only choose to unwrap one.

4. …. you know what happens from here on out.

Spicy game, right? I’m pretty sure your Valentine will be quite pleased with your creative present!

Have fun foxes <3

x, E

fashionlush, valentine's day, gift ideas

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