Meet One of Dallas’ Best Dressed & Fashion Blogger: Jaffrene

fashionlush,, dallas fashion

Ready for some serious radness…?

Okay, but first a lil’ backstory. I actually met Jaffrene the last day, at the last event, of the RewardStyle Conference, but it wasn’t the first time I saw her. One morning, while getting ready in Texas, Lauryn & I clicked on the #RStheCon hashtag & played a game- who was our top pick for best dressed. I picked Jaffrene.

I told her this story when I met her, which as a minor embarrassment, but I had a few cocktails in me so I was feeling chatty. Anyways, I knew I wanted to pick her stylish brain, so I grabbed her business card & shot her an email stat.

& here we are today, with the oh-so-fab Jaffrene spilling all her best fashion & beauty secrets. Oh, & did I mention she was also on the Dallas’ Best Dressed list? Yup, her style is on point.

Anyways, enjoy… cause she’s got some serious goodies to share (I already have quite a few items on my shopping list).

xx, E

fashionlush,, dallas fashion, style blogger

▸▸ Introduce yourself::
Jaffrene Islam: My name is Jaffrene, I am 25 & live in Dallas, TX. I am a freelance stylist and the blogger behind

▸▸ Why did you start blogging? What’s your “blog story”. 
JI: I started blogging as way to actively be creative in styling and to then document my creative process.  My blog is almost like an experiment because I’m trying out different ways to wear things that I didn’t even know worked until I put it on.

fashionlush,, dallas fashion, blog tips

▸▸ What is your fashion philosophy?
JI: Stay true to your aesthetics.

▸▸ Who inspires you in the world of fashion? Who are your fashion icons?
JI: Inspiration comes to me from positive energy that I get from environments (like NYC and Paris) or my friends. I always go back to referencing 60s Indian actresses like Sharmila Tagore because they were breaking traditions and pushing boundaries.

“I guess I find rebellion inspiring.”

fashionlush,, dallas fashion, style blogger

▸▸ What is the best beauty/fashion advice you’ve ever been given?’
JI: Be confident!

▸▸ If we emptied your purse right now, what would we find?
JI: Yube cream (for my lips), at least one YSL Lipstick, and Boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens!

▸▸ I am super into natural/holistic beauty- anything you recommend?
JI: Rosewater by Heritage Store.  I use it as a toner and it makes my skin so soft! I also can’t get enough of Dr. Bronner Peppermint liquid soap as a body wash and following that with his coconut oil as a body moisturizer. They both smell delicious and I’m all about that.

▸▸ Living in Texas, what’s the fashion scene like? Where do you shop?
JI: I think the fashion scene here is still up and coming.  When I’m not shopping online, I love thrifting treasures and love curated vintage stores such as Dolly Python and Second Kiss.

fashionlush,, dallas best dressed 2013fashionlush,, dallas best dressed 2013

▸▸ First thing you notice in an outfit?
JI: Colors and shapes; I like seeing how people put certain pieces together and play with different proportions.  If done right, I think an outfit can really stand out.

▸▸ What do you skimp on fashion wise? What do you splurge on?
JI: I always spend more on shoes. I don’t think you can really get away with that since cheaper shoes just don’t last. I skimp on jewelry since it’s mostly trendy. Jewelry can always be found and chain stores like H&M or Forever 21.

▸▸ Fashion rule you never break?
JI: I think rules are meant to be broken; anything goes!

fashionlush,, dallas fashion, style blogger

▸▸ Fave beauty &/or fashion trends for Summer 2014?
JI: Loving the pool slides trend because they are so comfortable!  I can’t oppose a trend that’s good for your feet.  I’m not sure if this is a beauty trend but I’m into dewy skin right now and RMS Living Luminizer just gets it; plus it is completely natural!

▸▸ The one thing every lady should own, whether fashion or beauty wise?
JI: Red lipstick! It completes a wardrobe.

▸▸ Your top 5 fashion pieces you are lushing over right now?
JI: Gold chokers, Teva sandals, boxy oversized t-shirt dresses, denim trench coats, and python crossbody bags!

▽ ▽ ▽ Shop Jaffrene’s Picks ▽ ▽ ▽

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4 Replies to “Meet One of Dallas’ Best Dressed & Fashion Blogger: Jaffrene”

  1. Love this interview… she’s so great! I love that she splurges on she splurges on shoes, completely agree. Obsessing over that last outfit- well, really all of them!

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