How to Not Get Sick: My 5 Tricks For Staying Healthy During Flu Szn

how to not get sick, flu season, tips, health, fashionlush

When I was younger, I was always always always getting sick. I would get strep throat atleast 3x a year, I was on a first name basis with the school nurse, and I even contracted Scarlett Fever at one point (honestly, thought that was eradicated?!). Some of my most traumatizing childhood memories are cotton swabs being shoved down my throat at the doctor &  gagging on cough syrup while my Mom screamed at me to swallow it.

GOOD TIMES!! Thankfully my immune system grew the eff up because I actually can’t remember the last time I had to go to a doctor for a sickness… let alone even have a cold. I am not saying I am a pillar of health by ANY means, but I pride myself on how good I am at stopping a sickness in its tracks. I can tell the SECOND I am close to getting sick & have a strict routine in place to knock it out before it gets me. LET’S BREAK IT DOWN:

How to Not Get Sick: My 5 Tricks For Staying Healthy During Flu Szn

1. Oil of Oregano:

Oil of Oregano is pretty much a super concentrated oil version of the stuff you find on pizza & is a KILLER herb for knocking out sickness. When in this highly concentrated form, Oil of Oregano has powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial properties. It also is full of antioxidants & various immune boosting compounds to keep your health in check.

HOW TO TAKE IT: Oil of Oregano can be taken two ways, either an Oil of Oregano liquid or Oil of Oregano Capsules. I personally prefer the drops cause I feel they are more effective, but if you really can’t stand the taste, the capsules may be a better fit for you. That said, the taste is strong, but I can handle it. If I feel a sickness coming on I put three drops under my tongue 3x a day (always chasing with a yummy drink!).

2. Urban Remedy Cold Crusher:

Last time I felt sickness coming on a friend swore up and down I had to get Urban Remedy’s Cold Crusher juice. I went to Whole Foods that day & loaded up. It’s an orange juice with carrot juice, orange juice, lemon juice, & turmeric- so much vitamin C & beta carotene. I felt INSTANTLY better after I drank it & by my second one, I was thriving. As you drink it you can literally feel yourself getting healthier & it tastes delicious too (you could also juice this at home!).

3. Source Naturals Wellness Formula:

I take this every single day for daily wellness, but when you start to feel sick, pop 3 of these & it literally will work wonders. Zack got pretty sick after my recent trip to the emergency room for a dog bit (I did not get sick from the emergency room or from sleeping next to sicky Zack), but once I gave him three of these pills two days in a row (take three when ur feeling icky), he was better. Like fully. Which was fun cause he is such a hater when it comes to vitamins lol.

ANYWAYS- people swear by Source Naturals Wellness Formula & it’s full of the most amazing ingredients, to name a few: vitamin C, vitamin A, Vitamin D, beta-carotene, grapeseed, zinc, copper, adaptogens, echinacea, elderberry, & so much more. It’s a POWERHOUSE vitamin that everyone & their mom should be taking daily.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

If you are feeling under the weather, you better be taking a shot of ACV or mixing it in with a glass of water the second you wake up in the morning!!! ACV alkalized your body & that helps to kill bacteria & viruses. I am pretty used to taking it in shot form, but the taste is STRONG so they also have ACV capsules you can take.

5. Boiron Oscillococcinum:

My Mom has ALWAYS had Oscillococcinum in the house for when we got sick & it is/always will be the forever GAME CHANGER when it comes to the flu or any sickness. It comes in a small vial & is full of little round balls that taste like sugar. You put them under your tongue, let them dissolve, and repeat every 6 hours until you feel better. It’s a homeopathic method & if we’re being real- it’s hard to say what is in this magical little jar of pellets that helps fight the flu- but it works. I swear by it.


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