How I Take Photos: The Fashionlush Rule of Three

fashionlush, instagram tips, how influencers take photos


Only one of my fave topics & today I wanted to share with you guys a little BTS on how we streamline our photo taking to make sure we GET THE SHOT in the most time efficient manner.

For Instagram, I typically take photos with one of three people: Zack (my fiance who is an pro with a camera), Cindy (my talented af photographer!), & sometimes my Mom (she isn’t a pro, but she gets the job done & knows my angles). When taking photos, more often than not, we knock out three looks at once.

LET ME TELL YOU A LITTLE SECRET ABOUT INFLUENCERS- they aren’t “ON” everyday. I am not generalizing, because there are definitely some influencers who get dressed to the 9’s everyday & take photos in the moment, but majority of the photos you are seeing on the gram are taken another day. I have MAD respect for influencers who are getting that dolled up everyday, but it just ain’t me. Unless I am on vacation & my ONLY job is to create Instagram content, but my day to day involves SO much more than the gram.

SO- I STACK MY CONTENT & when taking photos of three different looks, you gotta be efficient. I shoot 3 looks in under an hour & what really helps us GET THE MF SHOT is the Fashionlush rule of three.

What is the Fashionlush rule of three? WELL- it’s easy & I think it’s a rule a lot of influencers follow. It’s not groundbreaking, but not everyone knows this (which I just learned when I shared this rule with another influencer friend). To sum it up, it’s the full body, the half body, the detail… but LET’S BREAK IT DOWN in a little more detail, k?

How I Take Photos: The Fashionlush Rule of Three

The Full Body

fashionlush, instagram tips, how influencers take photos

This, as you can imagine, is the full body shot. It’s gotta show the shoes & give a full head to toe look, but you can still get fun with it. Gone are the days where you can take pics agains a boring old white wall. I WAS THE QUEEN OF THE BORING PLAIN WALL  back in the day. Mix it up, try shooting at an angle, test out a Fashionlush Squat (this def. counts as a full body & a workout!!! MULTI-TASKING!) & make sure you’re moving to mix things up. Sometimes I pose, other times I walk, a lot of times I squat it out.

The Half Body

fashionlush, instagram tips, how influencers take photos

Now onto the half body, which is exactly that- half your body. This is more of a close up & gives a better look at your face. From my experience, showing face on the gram = more engagement. For this, it’s more of a pose situation (so I won’t be walking or moving to get this shot). It shows more detail of your outfit & adds variety to the feed. Mix up your poses here- my go to’s are the “fix my hair” or the look back at it.

The Detail

fashionlush, instagram tips, how influencers take photos

AHHH- the detail shot, this is where you can have some fun & it’s more of what I call a “feed filler”. It doesn’t show your face & strictly focuses on outfit details- but you can really mix this one up. Some of my fave detail shots are: the body selfie which you take yourself from a high up angle of your look, the shoe detail if you’ve got a killer shoe, the lower half of your outfit, a regular selfie (selfies always do well for me!), or even a flatlay incorporating the details from your look (i.e. if you’re getting coffee, throw down your purse & sunnies to tie the colors together).

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OKAY- so there you have it, the FASHIONLUSH rule of three to help you streamline your pics & make sure you get a variety of killer shots for the feed. Need more examples? Check out my Instagram for more examples of how I take pictures!

Do you have any Instagram tips for taking photos efficiently? IF SO- PLEASE SHARE BELOW! I’d love to hear!

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