Alright, so it’s pretty much the most fitting time to do this post now that I am officially out Mercury in Retrograde.
It ended September 5th, but for me… it lingered on. I finally feel the dust settling, the vibes are good, & today we’re talking all about crystals.
I wanted an expert to come in on this post, cause although I am all about crystals, I am not schooled. Selfishly, I wanted this post for myself to really tune up my crystal knowledge.
SO… I brought in the master healers from House of Intuition.
which is pretty much the coolest crystal shop in all of Los Angeles!
It really is a sanctuary & if you’re ever in LA- you have to go. The staff of healers are so helpful, the store itself is so beautiful/black & white/modern, & they. Not to mention, it’s a celeb favorite when it comes to all things metaphysical (Lisa Vanderpump, Will Smith, & Anne Hathaway have been spotted there!).
Plus, they have a subscription moon box which is kind of major for any crystal lovers (& also a really genius idea!). Each month before the new moon you receive a specially curated box specific to what that month’s new moon represents.
It typically always comes with the most amazing candles, a bath soak, a crystal, & a whole bunch of other amazing items to help prepare you for our best new moon ritual ever!
** Luckily for you guys- House of Intuition is giving one Fashionlush reader their October moon box! Scroll down to the end of this post, after you’ve learned EVERYTHING you need to know about crystals, to see HOW TO ENTER! **
x, E
P.S. you can check out House of Intuition on Instagram here!
Fashionlush: Introduce yourself! Who you are, what you do, & how did you get into crystal healing?
HOI: My name is Ryan, a gatekeeper, reader, and teacher for the House of Intuition in Los Angeles. My primary function at the House is to help make sure things flow correctly, whether that’s as a customer service representative, as teacher to help guide customers, or a reader to help them parse out their individual situations.
From a young age, I’ve always been interested in crystals and their properties, but three years ago, I’ve luckily had the opportunity to train and study the art of crystals and their healing capabilities with the House of Intuition. After deep emotional strife, I turned to the House of Intuition to help guide me forward to heal myself and others around me, and I haven’t looked back since.
Fashionlush: Give us a little crystal 101 for those of us who love crystals/the idea behind them, but just don’t know how to use them or the details of how crystals healing works.
HOI: On a physical level, crystals are made from different minerals under differing environments in the earth over the course of millions of years. On an energetic level, I like to think of crystals as the earth’s energy given physical form.
When we use them, it’s like having a little computer with you that has the ability to do so much for us due to metaphysics, but also reliant on us to program them with our own intention.
Fashionlush: When it comes to choosing crystals, how do you know which one is the one for you? Is there a certain feeling? Any tips for finding one’s perfect crystal?
HOI: What I find that works for me is to go into a crystal shop with an open mind and look for something to catch my eye. I may have a specific intention in mind, but I let my intuition pull me to what I need. I hold onto the stone and feel it out for the right one. When holding it, I wait for a tingle or an energetic pull. If I don’t get it from one stone, I’ll try the same crystal but of a different size or shape to see which one pulls me.
Fashionlush: Do you have any tips for getting your crystals to work their magic? How would one learn to trust & accept their crystals?
HOI: The most important thing is to set the intention for your crystals. If you don’t set an intention with your crystal, you’re just carrying a rock with you. All you need to do is cleanse it (sage is my favorite and easiest method), meditate with the crystal, and tell it what to do, like writing a program for a computer.
As for trust, trust is a difficult thing to develop but all it takes is time.
Fashionlush: Talk to us about the new moon! What is the significance behind the new moon, why do people perform new moon rituals?
HOI: In a variety of traditions, the moon was seen as a consistent way of tracking the days, hence the prevalence of lunar calendars. In traditions, especially in popular traditions, it represents a beginning of new intuitions.
As the moon grows in size, so do the intentions that we set.
Fashionlush: I LOVE your moon ritual box (just got my second one) & love that one of my readers will get to win one as well! Can you tell us what is in the HOI moon ritual box/how does each item plays a part in the ritual?
HOI: Each month is different when it comes to the Moon Box. For example, in September’s box, we included a bath, soap, crystals, and candles. In many traditions, a pre-ritual bath is encouraged as a way to do a cleanse to help set intentions for the different moon cycles. Anytime we do a energetic cleanse, it helps with being more focused and concentrated with a particular intention in mind.
Fashionlush: I asked my readers what they wanted to know about crystals & a few ladies asked about a yoni egg. I googled it & immediately saw celebs (Gwenyth Paltrow) are into it, & the internet is going crazy. Had to ask… do you know about the Yoni egg? Is this really a thing?
HOI: We’ve recently seen a rise in the interests in yoni eggs thanks to celebrities and their experiences. Essentially they are crystals shaped into eggs that are placed in the vagina. It is thought to help with toning the vaginal walls, help with gaining a closer spiritual connection with the sacred feminine energy, among other benefits like increased libido.
However, please always be safe in choosing the right crystal for your egg (so nothing water soluble!). Please also remember to sanitize it before and after and if you notice cracks or oddities, please use a protective cover like a condom!
** soooo… it’s definitely a thing! **
Fashionlush: I often talk about my struggles with anxiety on the blog & I have a handful of readers who have asked about crystal healing for anxiety- do you have any crystal and/or other types of healing suggestions?
HOI: It’s a common occurrence in our stores to provide a crystal that is great for anxiety.
A crystal we recommend is Black Tourmaline to help us in grounding ourselves and ensure us a calmness that one can expect when they are fully present for the moment.
Another one is Lepidolite which is what we call one of the anti-anxiety stones. Using this as a worry stone or a stone for balance is great considering a major component of it is lithium which is found in many psychopharmaceuticals to alleviate certain symptoms.
Let’s Talk Celebrity Crystals
THAT WAS SERIOUSLY SO MUCH GOOD INFORMATION! I don’t know about you guys, but I learned so much.
Huge thank you so to Ryan & House of Intuition for dropping ALL that crystal knowledge! To bring it all full circle & give you guys some real life examples… the last thing I asked Ryan was to match a few celebs to a crystal that would benefit them! Mookaite Jasper is def. on my crystal wishlist!
+ Justin Bieber: “Hematite is the first stone that came to mind. It helps to provide a grounded foundation and helps the carrier to look inward to their center for the answers of what the need. With proper grounding, he may be able to make the right choices moving forward. In addition, it helps one look inward to their inner self rather than what others expect of him, which may help with what he needs to do moving forward.”
+ Taylor Swift: “Rhodonite is a stone I recommend whenever there’s relationship issues, regardless of romantic or platonic. Rhodonite is a nurturing stone that helps us heal from the heart and to look at situations from both sides of the problem. In addition, it helps to provide us a sense of security, healing, understanding, and compassion when dealing with situations that may be emotionally taxing.”
+ Kris Kardashian: “Mookaite Jasper is fantastic for reminding us that youth is not so much a physical limitation so much as it is a mental barrier. It’s a stone that I love to use especially under stress and to help me to progress forward rather than falter back. Not only does it provide an open mind but it also promotes a grounded center and a balanced stability that’s flexible to their situational environment.”
Win The House of Intuition October Moon Ritual Box
House of Intuition one lucky reader their October Moon Ritual Box (as seen in this post!). It includes all the components need to set your intentions successfully with the new moon & is SERIOUSLY amazing! I just got mine, & I can’t wait to take my new moon bath!!
Here’s how to enter:
1. Comment on this post telling me what your favorite crystal is + why you want to win! Be sure to include your email address!!
2. Sign up for the Fashionlush newsletter (got some fun stuff coming soon to the newsletter!).
3. Bonus points: comment on my latest Instagram with the CRYSTAL BALL emoji & tag a friend!!
It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I love citrine! It is all sunlight and positive energy! I love this giveaway! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
of course! I love citrine as well :)
Rose quartz is my absolute favorite. I carry it with me everywhere and I just feel it’s loving energy.
such good energy!!
I’m loving smoky quartz– I went into HOI a few months ago looking for something I could carry to ground me and help dispel negative energy and it has been so helpful. I would love to win this giveaway because I have been DYING to try HOI’s moon ritual box but haven’t gotten the chance yet! Love this post! :)
and i’m not sure if it shows up but my email address is ! :)
Loved this interview! I am HUGE into crystals (and everything else mystical + witchy) – I always love a well informed yet unique, new perspective.
My favourite crystal is Moonstone. I’ve been obsessed with the moon since I was very young so my fascination and appreciation for it blossomed as I got older. But seriously, all crystals are amazinggg and I loved that Ryan spoke about always setting an intention for each crystal. Helps even those who are quite skeptical hone in on their own personal wellness.
I want to win not only because I am OBSESSED with your blog – I love FashionLush + Erica’s vibes – the honesty, the humor, the fashion, the authenticity, etc… and have stalked HOI’s instagram MANY times – also v obsessed w/ them and would love to visit next time I’m in California, but I ALSO would loooove to win because crystals, tarot cards, moon phases, wicca, etc… have really helped me find myself, and learn to accept the truly authentic me for who I am – and in turn, love that person. This has also made me be more open to sharing with others my interests and that in turn has come full circle – me helping others feel more comfortable with themselves naturally has continued to help me. AAAAND I LOVE LOVE LOVE HALLOWEEN and winning the October Moon Box would seriously make my entire month – October is my absolute favourite!
Thx for the awesome opportunity + for the continuously fascinating and entertaining posts! Much Love!
-Ally ( )
I love this!!! Moonstone is so great. You are so so so sweet :) thank you babe & I love to hear your interest in the metaphysical :)
Erica! Thank you so much for this post – loved the interview with Ryan since he seems like such a go-to person for all of this!! i have been lowkey stalking HOI’s website and instagram recently, and trying to avoid buying ALLL of the crystals on their site, so this is perfect timing. I’ve just recently gotten into knowing more about crystals thanks to the adderall + compliments girls (funniest podcast everrr) and i just moved into a new apartment (my very first, on my own!) so i’m trying to set it up with the perfect crystals and candles to make it my sanctuary – which is why i would LOVE to win this giveaway!! I’ve always been a fan of meditation and crystals can add so much to that experience. I think that like you a good crystal for me would be black tourmaline, since i do struggle with anxiety and i sometimes need something to give me that extra little boost during the day! But i also LOVE blue lace agate since it’s such a beautiful color and has that relaxing and calming energy, which is something i can always use in my life! Thanks so much for this post and such a DOPE giveaway, you rock! xoxo Eleanor (
Love this blog post!! My fave crystal is rose quartz ???
Black Tourmaline ? I would love to win this ahhhh-maxing giveaway because it’s literally screaming my name
crystals are life ?
I love HOI & I am a huge fan of Amethyst! I have one that my grandma gave to me before she passed away, it’s my prized possession!
That is so special!!
It’s hard to choose a favorite. I think it’s a toss up between malachite and labradorite. Malachite has been useful to me lately in my love life and constant travel. Labradorite had always been lucky to me and spiritually/energetically helped me to stay connected. I love HOI and already receive their moonbox but would love a free month! ???
Sodalite has become my favorite of my crystals. It helps when I’m feeling a bit stressed or when things seem overwhelming or impossible. It helps me calm down and makes me feel like I’m worthy of good things. I’d love to win the box because I’ve been trying to get more into crystals and candles lately and have started my own little collection. I’ve been reading a lot about crystal healing and would love to learn more. I recently discovered HOI through Instagram and have really been fighting the urge to pick up a bunch of things from their site (since I’m in NYC). I think it would be an amazing treat to win and would really perk me up after the crappy few months I’ve been having. ?
My favorite has been the Apache Tear that was gifted to me after my dog passed unexpectedly. He was a really big part of my life and when I lost him I experienced a lot of pain and grief. The crystal helped me ground myself during meditation and get through the difficult emotions. I am not in the LA area ( I live in Atlanta) so having a subscription box would be perfect!
I stumbled upon this post so it must be a sign right?!?
Blue Obsidian is one of my favorites at this moment, especially during the Virgo New Moon! I write down every crystal’s properties & an affirmation so here it is:
“Opens & cleara throat and third eye chakra. Enhances communication skills & blocks negativity. Helps go within to understand the true self & soul’s purpose. Express with calm, serene clarity”
“I now embrace a healthy & loving relationship with myself. The light has dawn in my life & my healing is complete ?”
I need to look into that one. I love that it blocks negativity <3
my favorite crystal is amethyst! as i started my crystal journey it was what i was always most drawn to, and i read more about it, its one of the most versatile crystals! i always use mine for my third eye and clarity of the mind. mine help calm me and keep me so sane as i study while i’m in massage therapy school!
the reason why i would love this box, is because i don’t just love crystals and new moons, but i’m also obsessed with subscription boxes! as a student, i have had to cut some of my subscription boxes because of cost, so i would love a free box that includes crystals !! i’m newer to your blog and i’ve loved it so far! stay rad girlfriend
Ooh I forgot to say my reasoning haha! I started to embrace crystals into my life a couple months ago and I’ve fallen in love! The HOI moon box has everything a modern mystic like me could want with the proper guidance. Thank you for the opportunity!
thank you babe!
My favorite right now is JADE! I’ve been wearing a jade bangle from
Southeast Asia, it’s like liquid luck. Never hurts to have some extra luck.
I need a jade bangle!!
Hi! I’d love to win some crystals! I think it would bring some clarity to my world. I’m currently finding my new path, everything has either shed itself or left. I’m rebuilding my mind and body and this would be the perfect thing to help. I think any type of healing that comes my way is sent for a reason and every crystal is needed in your life at some point ..Plus its my birthday hehe :) My all time fav crystal is the black onyx, when I walk into a crystal store this is the first one that says buy me! It brings protection, decision making, self control and intuition.
Thank you for such an incredible post! I am an avid collector of crystals and have been using them for many years. I have always had an affinity to crystal jewelry and using/wearing, and carrying them with me at all times. On any given moment I probably have like seven crystals on me. Either in my pockets, my purse, or even in my bra. My staples are Quartz as it tends to be a crystal that really is the base for everything else. It enhances other crystals properties when used together and amplifies them in a synergistic way. I always have amethyst on me, Rose Quartz, Citrine and even smokey Quartz. One of my all time favorites and one that may get over looked because it’s not as “flashy” as others is Selenite. I have chunks of selenite, but my particular favorite is my Selenite Cleansing wand. When I first moved to NYC from California I was hell bent on wanting to drive in the city and still have a car. Welllll let me tell you… learning to drive in NYC is like re-learning to drive all over again! It was causing me the most insane stress and anxiety and was slowly chipping away at my nervous system. I was constantly stressed and anxious and I just felt like I was lost, and off balance. On a trip home to CA, I stopped by one of my favorite shops to buy crystals and was introduced to Selenite. I picked up one of the wands or sticks, and immediately was drawn to it. It has a unique surface that is kinda ridged while still feeling smooth and cool. It feels calming in your hands and it’s actually a crystal that has properties that help calm anxiety, provide balance, and helps to ground you. The woman working in the store said it’s “actually a great crystal to have with you if you feel nervous or anxious driving”! That’s when I knew I had to have it! When I returned back to NYC I carried it with me at all times. I always had it in my hand when I was driving and felt like it brought out my own inner courage and strength that had been lying dormant inside me. It allowed me to feel centered and focused while driving and made me feel like I was protected. One day I left it at work and realized that I didn’t have it anymore. I drove home without it and was fine! Later I found out the manager of the store I was at had found it and was keeping it for me. I told her that it belonged to her now. That it clearly was ready to find a new home and that she needed it more than I did and that it has served me and was ready to serve someone else. I didn’t know her well but after gifting her the crystal I found out that she had been going through the process of trying to get pregnant and wasn’t having any success. Shortly after that Selenite Wand finding its home in its new owner, she became pregnant! Pretty freaking cool right!
So, I would have to say that Selenite is one I will always cherish, and one that holds a very special place in my heart. Thanks again for the incredible post and wisdom. I love learning and can’t wait to do my new moon ritual and set intentions in all my crystals. I def don’t want to just be carrying rocks around in my bra for no reason!! Xoxoxo happy healing and magical, positive vibes to you!
Thank you so much for sharing babe!! What wonderful experiences you’ve had!
Hello! One of my favorites is Rose Quartz. I love it because not only is it gorgeous to look at but it makes me feel loved and protected! I would love to WIN some crystals because I am in need on new energies in my life. Retrograde has always been tough on me and sometimes I cannot shake the effects for quite some time. I have been struggling spiritually and personally and I need some realignment in my life. I did yesterdays new moon ritual in hopes that my new intentions are fulfilled and Im hoping I was able to let go of things that do not serve me any longer! Winning the October Moon box would be a dream come true!
thanks for entering babe!! xo
I’ll always have Dalmatian Jasper on me. It helps me break down barriers I’ve built around myself as a form of protection but ultimately are hurtful. Winning this HOI giveaway would be a dream ? LUV this interview
I have to look into that one!!
I LOVE moonstone ? Winning would be amazing bc my friend uses them for all sorts of things and I’ve been trying to get into and learn more about it!
Very cool!! I’ve always loved hematite.
My favorite crystal is Rose Quartz and has been since I started learning about crystals when I was in middle school because I love love. It would be amazing if I won this giveaway because I love everything at House of Intuition but haven’t had the chance to try all of their products yet
Citrine has been my new fav. As someone who’s been lacking how to define my own boundaries, explain my own wants/needs/desires, and just believe in myself, the power of this crystal helps me channel my inner Beyoncé and sometimes that’s all the effort I need to get going. I’d like to expand on my work with crystals but literally can’t afford things outside of food or rent(college life can ya digg it?¿?) so winning the box would be a God-send. Love your posts and keep up exploring!!!! – Betina
Sup babes!
I love selenite because as an empath it helps to cleanse unwanted energies and connect me to my higher self!
Lately I’ve been amping up my crystal practice/tarot practice/meditation and this would be a very nice gift.
Sending lots of love and good vibes!
?? geen
My favorite crystal is amethyst not only because it’s beautiful but because it promotes self discovery and gets rid of any old/bad habits. I recently moved to Cali from Michigan to further my self discovery and spirituality. I absolutely love House of Intuition and would like to win the October box to expand my knowledge of candles and crystals. My email is, thanks!
My favorite crystal is from far the WHITE OPAL. It is just SO beautiful and I love how it looks like the universe/galaxy. I am just always so drawn to it :)
I would love to win this giveaway because I am starting to really get into crystals, energies, astrology and just spirituality in general and I am soooooo eager to learn more about it :)
This house of intuition box is like christmas came early !
My email is <3
Congrats Charlotte! You’re the winner :) I will be emailing you shortly! xo
Rose quartz which I carry around with me daily! Just getting into the crystal game so this is an awesome giveaway.
my favorite crystal is Aegirine because it is a powerful stone for protection and purification, aiding in the release of negative attachments :) also I wear a ton of opal and diamond
i love moonstone and id like to win to have some crystals to see if they work
I loveeee crystals! I wear so many different ones, but my fave right now has to be citrine :) What a great giveaway!
My husband is getting me into crystals. BUT I’m still pretty much a noob. Right now my favorite is rose quartz. I’m really enjoying learning more about this type of things and getting in touch with my own energy and I think the box would be wonderful.
My favorite crystal is Watermelon Tourmaline and emerald. I would love to win because I use crystals for many things such as cleansing, mental enhancement, and so on. Therefore, winning this would be a great addition to my collection plus getting to learn more about diff types of crystals that I have not used and heard of. Thanks