This & That | Holiday Prep

fashionlush, cozy vibes, holiday prep

» this snuggly little bear is also VERY excited for Turkey day, as she is the resident floor cleaner. «

Thanksgiving is almost here, & I’m pretty much a kid on Christmas. Easily my favorite day of the year!

My holiday prep consists of baking up my famous butternut squash pie (or 5), boxing (to negate the huge amount of calories I plan to consume #notsorry), & doing a whole lot of research on the upcoming sales.

I am anticipating a serious food coma will have me wiped out come Black Friday, & with leftovers, it may still be lingering on Cyber Monday… so to make my life easier, I will be planning all of my shopping in advance. Of course, I will be sharing it all with you guys as well.

Here’s what to expect: 

I plan to do a whole bunch of sale round-ups & I will also be regularly updating my Holiday Shop with great gift ideas + resources to help you survive the holidays! I highly suggest bookmarking that page & checking back when you need some gift giving inspo.

Also, I will be sharing A LOT of gift giving ideas on Instagram using LikeToKnow.It! If you’re not yet familiar with, you can get signed up & read all about how it works here.

Mainly though, I really want your guys’ input!! What do YOU guys want from me? Tell me what kinda sale items you want me to find & what type of gifts your on the hunt for. I’m here to serve you guys, basically a personal shopper, so comment below with WHATEVER you want me to find.

x, E

Now, onto some weekend highlights…

fashionlush, holsem coffee, coconut chia pudding

» typical breakfast situation lately: banana bread cold brew + coconut chia pudding. YUM. «

fashionlush, all black outfits, brunette best friends

» dragged my best bae along for a special blog post, can’t wait for you guys to see the final result! It’s pretty epic. «


fashionlush, instagram, snakeskin mules

» life lately, via Instagram (left to right): fringe leather vibes | glitter dipped Fall gels | warming up w/ a rose latte | new snakeskin mules making all my shoe dreams come true «


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