» digging my new camo skinnies «
The ‘This & That’ feature started way back when as a way to kinda share a BTS look at my life. It was my free day where I really just let myself write/go on tangents/rant about life’s little annoyances/etc. (check out one of the first This & That post here– things have def. changed.)
It was a good time, but we have come to a point where we will retire the ‘This & That feature’ & replace it with something new & fresh… helllllooooo FIVE THINGS!
We will still give our customary what’s new/catch up/how was the weekend convo- but will quickly be transitioning into the weekly five things.
Some examples of what to expect: top five fave editing apps for video & photo, five things I’d save if the house burned down (hope not!), five dog friendly spots in San Diego, five favorite bloggers, the list could go on & on!
AS FOR TODAY- I am gonna kick this feature off sharing FIVE THINGS you guys may or may not know about me. READY?
1. I was born in Nashville & lived their until I was 7. My Dad’s job moved us to California.
2. My Grandfather invented the Dove bar (the ice cream, not the soap).
3. My Mom & Stepmom have been together for 20 years.
4. I am allergic to exercise. I have a condition called chronic urticaria & I break out in hives every time I work out outside. I have to take 2 Benadryl’s if I plan to go on a hike or something.
5. Zack & I met at the diviest dive bar in the world. Neither of us were thrilled to be there, dragged by our friends, but I walked in & said to my friend (this is so cheesy I want to puke), I am gonna marry him. LOL. Our 5 year anniversary is this Valentine’s Day!!!
There you have it- our very first Five Things!! If you have any requests/things you want to know more about in this new Five Things series— please comment below or shoot me an email!
x, E
» boots | re/done shorts | striped blouse (similar style) | black duster | oversized sunglasses «
» wknd blooms- loving Ranunculus lately! «
» Sunday strolls, post brunch <3 «
» major floor porn at Moniker General (love this SD coffee shop!) «
Such a nice little post about yourself … Congratulations on a 5 years anniversary coming up! It’s fabulous! :)
Thanks love <3
these pics are so cool!love your striped shirt!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Thank you Pia!