Fall Teaser

fashionlush, fall fashion, san diego style blogger

Ahh, how I miss Copenhagen, but you guys already know that (it’s pretty much all I talk about to anyone who will listen… 24/7).

Being back home in this ridiculous heat doesn’t make it any easier. When we were there we had the perfect mix of cozy rainy days & sunny Summer days w/ a breeze, & I completely packed all the wrong things. Since my Summer dresses clearly weren’t cutting it, day one pretty much revolved around hiding in cafes while it rained & hitting up the corner store (aka Topshop, cause there is literally one on every corner) so I could load up on jackets & jeans.

Not mad about it though, cause for two weeks I got to pretend it was Fall, & I am alllll about Fall.

Nothing beats a soft flannel, my perfectly worn in moto leather jacket, comfy booties & my fave ripped knee skinnies for a day of being a total tourist/walking 900 miles getting lost in a foreign city.

Dear San Diego, let’s move on from this weather & bring on some Fall… please.

x, E

fashionlush, fall fashion, san diego style bloggerfashionlush, fall fashion, san diego style bloggerfashionlush, fall fashion, san diego style blogger

wearing: black & white flannel | Members Only leather jacket | black ripped knee jeans | Grey City Waverley boots (my fave black boots– soo soft!) | mirrored brow bar sunnies | black concho belt

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2 Replies to “Fall Teaser”

  1. Hi Erica,

    I love your Outfit – and I’m all about the sunglasses. They are so cool!!!
    But I can’t understand why you don’t love summer :) I think we always want what we can’t get. Because we in europe would love to have a summer like in San Diego :)

    Very best,

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