Why My Facialist Recommended Dryer Balls… for my skin (& I’m hooked)

DRYER BALLS– guys!!! If you’re not using, you’re not living.

About a month ago I was getting a facial & bitching about my stubborn jawline acne & this particular facialist (shout out to Carolyn at Spa Kingston!) immediately asked me if I use dryer sheets???

YES- as a matter of fact, I love a dryer sheet & have religiously used the Mrs. Meyer’s ones that smell like lavendar for years. I NEED my laundry to come out soft & smelling fresh or else I have a compulsion to wash again (I AM SORRY, I know this is a waster of water, but like I said- it’s a compulsion) so yes, I never run the dryer w/o a sheet or two. SO WHAT?

She demanded I throw them out asap & order dryer BALLS. All this time I thought Mrs. Meyer’s was a clean brand, but I was wrong. Dryer sheets (& fabric softeners for that matter) have chemicals that are bad for you, but also can wreck havoc on your skin & it made TOTAL sense when it came to my acne.

I sleep on my right side & my face was laying on those chemicals all night long making me break out on my RIGHT SIDE ONLY. You don’t want those nasty toxins ABSORBING into your skin & you don’t want it sitting right on your face for 8 hours straight. Considering I am so psycho about chemicals in my cleaning products, I was now 100% turned off of dryer sheers.

but let’s get to the big question…


Okay, so it basically looks like a large wool tennis ball & it’s toxin/chemical free, eco-friendly, makes your clothes soft, & is just all the RAGE these days! Dryer balls are trending & I am just bummed I didn’t learn about these sooner… not only for the sake of my skin, but it’s just such a better alternative.

How they work is simple. Imagine you put in a huge load of clothes into the dryer & they are soaking wet. After 30 minute you open the dryer to see how it’s going & your sweatpants are entangled with the tie of your robe & it’s all stuffed inside your duvet cover. The robe is still soaking wet, one leg of your sweat pants are damp, & your duvet is a wrinkled mess.

Throw 6 dryer balls (you gotta use 6) into your dryer & they go to work by keeping your clothes SEPERATE. Keeping things seperate ends up cutting dry time down by over 25% which *drumroll please* SAVES ENERGY. The wool texture also doubles as a natural fabric softener AND most importantly- your skin will be less pissed off at you every morning.

THE ONLY ISSUE FOR ME, I need my scent. Luckily, my facialist had a solution! Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your dryer balls about 30 minutes before you use them. I obviously chose lavendar essential oil & I got my chemical free lavendar scented clothes (I wanna try lemon essential oil next!).

SO, to sum it up: if you don’t want nasty toxins touching your skin & care even a little about our environment- go on Amazon & grab yourself a set of big DRYER BALLS.

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