Dressed Up Tee

fashionlush, dressed up tee, style blogger

If you know me, you know I pretty much live in my favorite Harley shirt.

Bad news bears, I lost it. A week or so ago I took a daycation at a resort here in San Diego & somewhere between check in & check out, the shirt disappeared. I called the second I realized it was gone, & lemme tell ya… I was basically in tears. The poor lady on the phone, who was most likely super confused about why I was so bent out of shape over a Harley Davidson tee that was about 20 years old (yes, I threw that tidbit in when talking to her), had to break the news to me– no shirt found.

I was literally crushed. That shirt is my FAVORITE shirt. I know it’s petty, but it was seriously the softest tee most paper thin tee in the world. I started hunting for a new one, but quickly learned those paper thin vintage tees are quite pricey… which made losing it hurt that much more.

Really though, that has zero to do with this post, just needed to vent. If you’ve got a vintage Harley tee hanging around your looking to get rid of, I’m your girl (raid your Dad’s closet for me, k?).

This post is about tee’s though, more specifically, how I am really into dressing them up lately. Check out the total look + all my tee favorites below, including a few Harley’s I am seriously eyeing.

x, E

p.s. this post is a personal tribute to the best tee I ever owned, RIP… or in the hands of someone who probably doesn’t love you as much as I did :(.

fashionlush, dressed up tee, style bloggerfashionlush, dressed up tee, style bloggerfashionlush, dressed up tee, style bloggerfashionlush, dressed up tee, style blogger

wearing: grey wide leg trousers | distressed Rolling Stones tee | white pointed pumps | brow bar sunglasses (sold out, which is SO sad cause I sat on them & they broke- def. getting these similar ones to replace them!) | Alexis Bittar silver collar necklace

Shop Tees (ready to be dressed up!)
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8 Replies to “Dressed Up Tee”

  1. Erica! I know the feeling – it is seriously the worst. Having a moment of silence for you (RIP). I am LOVING the dressy T’s too! So versatile, but I has to comment. Have you tried brining a shirt in salt water for three days, then washing it? I came across this on Pinterest and had to show you : https://www.octaneshop.com/pages/brine-your-tee – apparently it makes it vintage-y soft! I’ve also read that baking soda and/or vinegar can do the trick! Would be an interesting DIY trip, and call me crazy but something about taking sandpaper and getting to work on some fabric sounds weirdly therapeutic! I LOVE those brow bar glasses. Those mirrored shades are incredible – thanks for sharing! xx

    1. OMG Shannon! You’re a lifesaverrrr. I seriously love you x 100. Brining every shirt I own (insert crying/laughing emoji here). Thank you!!!!

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