A Fun Lil’ NYE DIY | Press for Champagne

fashionlush, new years eve, diy press for champagne

On my bucket list, closer to the top, is to one day have dinner at Bob Bob Ricard.

At Bob Bob Ricard, the waiters all wear pale pink, it’s set up kinda like a fancy diner, the decor is straight of the Gatsby era, & word on the street has it they have iPhone chargers at each booth (aka a bloggers dream).

Not to mention, the menu is next level. I would most likely order (because, yes, I have the menu bookmarked in my “destinations” folder on my computer) the black truffle oysters, some Siberian caviar, crispy pork belly, & the boozy chocolate truffles. DROOLING.

Best part of all, the whole reason I found this gem of a restaurant in the first place, they have press for champagne buttons at every table. YUP- you press & a pink waiter comes immediately with a glass of bubbles.

I meannnnnn….. could there possibly be anything better? #GOALS x 10000.

Since I don’t intend on being in London anytime soon, I am planning to kinda bring that Bob Bob Ricard vibe to my house this NYE. There will be champagne, caviar, truffles, & this adorable DIY Press for Champagne framed decor I whipped up just yesterday. Sadly, I couldn’t find a pink waiter to come when the button is pressed, but I am gonna do my best to be prompt with my bubble pours.

Check out all of the how-to deets below & if you’ve ever been to Bob Bob Ricard- telllll me all about it/what you ordered/any other highlights! Maybe I will make it their in 2016. x, E

fashionlush, new years eve, diy press for champagnefashionlush, new years eve, diy press for champagnefashionlush, new years eve, diy press for champagne

DIY Press for Champagne

» wood frame

» gold paint pen

» antique door bell

» black spray paint (or whatever color you want your frame to be!)

» super glue

» Press for Champagne printable

1. Spray paint your frame & let dry.

2. Download & print out the Press for Champagne graphic. You can do plain white paper, but I suggest checking out the cute paper selection at Michaels. I got a textured white paper with little raised dots.

3. Using the glass inside the frame as a guide, cut out your Press for Champagne graphic (make sure it’s centered!).

4. The door bell is an antique brass color, so I suggest using a metallic paint pen to make it fully gold.

5. Once you’ve got the graphic inside the frame, glue your door bell to the center of the frame between the words “Press for” & “Champagne”.

fashionlush, new years eve, diy press for champagne

The Supplies

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