DIY Hand Sanitizer | Free of Nasty Chemicals

fashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizer

I’m a total fixator, & the latest obsession is all about receipts & hand sanitizer!

First, let talk about my strong hatred/phobia of receipts. I recently learned a nasty little secret, receipts are loaded with BPA’s!!! If you don’t know what BPA is, let me educate you on a very important subject. Bisphenol A (aka BPA) is a disgusting chemical, mainly found in plastic, that is extremely hazardous to your health (esp. in regards to fertility, hormones, the endocrine system, & extra dangerous for the kiddos).

This source states that there is more BPA in one thermal receipt than there is in a water bottle w/ BPA that has been used for many many years. Effing horrifying, right??

Now comes my newest fear, hand sanitizer. Store clerks, parents, & germaphobes are always reaching for that handy little bottle of Purell, & since this whole BPA thing hit the news, they are now using habitually before/after handling receipts.

Makes total sense, but is also 100% a really bad idea. Hand sanitizers, although they don’t contain BPA, are jam packed with other chemicals. These sick chemicals speed up the absorption rate of BPA’s in a big big big way, they are literally turning your skin into a sponge.

I know, it’s pretty much the stuff (my) nightmares are made of.

So, the burning question, what can you do? Here’s a few tips:

» no brainer, don’t take the receipt.

» if you need to keep those receipts for tax purposes, bring a Ziploc bag in your purse & ask the clerks to place the receipt in the bag. They will think your crazy, but it’s the perfect time to suggest they ask their employer to look into purchasing BPA free receipts (it’s a thing!).

» if you do touch a receipt, wash your hands ASAP!

» if there is no sink near by, whip up this amazing little recipe for the best damn hand sanitizer you could ever find. It’s moisturizing, all natural, uses essential oils (one of my good obsessions), smells delicious, & can even calm your nerves a bit.

Hope you enjoyed my rant/lesson & you can find all the DIY deets below. x, E

fashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizerfashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizerfashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizer

DIY Eye Depuff

» pocket size perfume atomizer (love the gold!)

» 4 ounces pure aloe vera gel: moisturizing & germ fighting.

» 1 tbsp. witch hazel or high-proof vodka: we all know, alcohol slays all germs!

» 1/2 tsp. vitamin E oil: to help moisturize & increase the shelf life of your hand sanitizer.

» 5 drops each of tea tree & clove essential oils: germ killers x 100.

» 5-10 drops lavender essential oil: kills germs, makes it smell yummy, & helps mellow your mood- take a sniff if feeling anxious

» 5 drops lemon essential oil: kills germs (they pretty much all do) & also smells delish.

1. combine & mix all ingredients in a small bowl

2. funnel into your perfume atomizer

3. use 100x a day!!!

fashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizer

always keep my hand sanitizer ready & available in my purse… along w/ my rad new marble iPhone case (so into it, best one I’ve found!), my go-to aviators, &  my cult classic minted rose lip balm that I’ve literally used since junior high.

fashionlush, diy hand sanitizer, chemical free hand sanitizer

spritz away!

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6 Replies to “DIY Hand Sanitizer | Free of Nasty Chemicals”

  1. EFF YESSS. This is the best!!!! First off, EWWWW to the receipts. Definitely didn’t know that, not all too surprised, but that’s just gross. Second, I am totally trying this out as soon as I get home/get all of the necessary ingredients. Also, maybe I missed the link, but where is that bag of tricks from?!

  2. Brilliant idea! What is even worse about hand sanitizer is that people use it before eating, this doubles the absorption of BPA as you are ingesting it from the food you touch! Will definitely be using this recipe!

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