Rag & Bone | Cognac Corduroy

fashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroyfashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroy

Flashback to early 2000’s, I was in my mid teens & carpooling to Hollister in my 1986 Volvo w/ my best friend everyday after school to earn a lil’ extra spending money (probably trying to save up for that oh-so-trendy Tiffany’s charm bracelet or something of the sort).

Seriously though- how many of you guys worked at either a Hollister, A&F, or A&F kids at some point in your teenage years? Why was that such a thing? Did you also suffocate everyday with the intense smell of perfume/cologne & beg your managers to turn down the effing music that played on repeat day after day?

Oh man, those were the days.

ANYWAYS, back on track, when working there I got these radddd super low waisted (remember, this was in the days of Frankie B. jeans when a 2″ zipper was far too long) cognac colored corduroys. Soon thereafter, they basically became the travelling pants in my group of friends. We passed those pants around in infinite circles, until the corduroy wore so thin they ripped right down the butt. Even worse, the booty exposing rip scenario went down at a hopping house party… which is pretty much the stuff highschool nightmares are made of, am I right?

Ever since the demise of those perfect pants, we have talked about them on & off for years. How much we loved them, how much we missed them, & how we wish we could find them again. I’m not kidding, it’s actually weird how many conversations we have had over these particular pants.

The other week I was perusing the Rag & Bone collection at Revolve clothing & almost choked on my coffee when I saw our beloved cords were reborn. The cognac corduroy flares were back, thankfully with a more age appropriate waistband! First I emailed my Hollister co-worker/BFF to show her the epic find, then I made them mine.

Funny thing is, the same two girls from 2000 who wore the life out of those cords are already on a borrowing list for them. I may not work at Hollister anymore, but there are just some things that never change. x, E

[ photos by Zack Dowdy ]

fashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroyfashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroyfashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroyfashionlush, rag & bone, cognac corduroy

In this post

Rag & Bone cognac corduroy flares | vintage Harley Davidson tank top (similar) | fringe leather jacket (almost sold out, similar style here) | western style belt | black pointed heels | gold frame circle Ray-Ban’s

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