Why Everyone on Instagram is Chugging Celery Juice

fashionlush, celery juice, medical medium


APPARENTLY- this is some huge trend right now in the health world… but I  have only just found out about it & now everyone is asking me questions on social media about why I (& so many other people on the gram) have been chugging celery juice every morning.

Basically, I just found out I have a hyper Thyroid, which I will def. do a full post on, but when I reached out to my audience someone told me celery juice & the Medical Medium was what I needed. I have heard of the Medical Medium before & went to the store that day to get some celery.

I have been drinking it religiously for two weeks now & I can’t say my thyroid is healed 100% because I don’t draw my own blood, BUT I can say- I have noticed some differences.

First being, energy!!! I don’t drink coffee so I have never had that morning boost, but this celery has been helping me get my day going quicker which is great cause I am NOT a morning person. Secondly, my skin looks really good lately. I have done a few things different with routine- but it’s more than just clearness… I look BRIGHT & glowy. Lastly, my heart rate has seemed to have slown down which was my BIGGEST annoyance with this hyper thyroid.

Also… it just feels really good chugging straight celery. I don’t love eating it, but drinking it is easy & it honestly feels like my body is thanking me as it goes down.

I am not a shitty eater, but also not the world’s healthiest… drinking celery juice first thing when I wake up has made me care a lot more about my food choices. If you start the day off healthy, it sorta makes you wanna keep that momentum throughout the day.

& because I am no scientist & I have no clue WHY celery juice is so game changing, I have compiled some notes from The Medical Medium for you….


+ it has POTENT healing properties that people are saying is a miracle when it comes to curing chronic illness & improve ones health BIG TIME. It is being touted as “one of the greatest healing tonics of all time” by Anthony William aka the Medical Medium.

+ drinking celery juice is a powerful detox. It can starve viruses, mold, yeast, & bad bacteria & flushes these gut toxins. It also detoxes the liver & helps promotes heart health.

+ inflammation in the body from toxins can often be the culprit of a handful of health issues, the luteolin is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation.

+ celery juice reduces bloating, keeps your skin health & glowing from the inside out, improves digestion, boosts immunity, makes you sharper, & helps keep your energy levels high.

+ the reason I started drinking celery juice is because it helps cleanse the body of the virus that causes thyroid issues. I am currently reading the Thryoid Healing book by the Medical Medium.. which is a wealth of knowledge since I am trying to heal this naturally.

+ Added bonus: it’s great for anxiety sufferers as the detoxifying properties are a great support to the nervous system.

+ THE BIG CONTROVERSY- can’t I just eat my celery? Well according to my research, no. Eating celery IS healthy, but it just isn’t the same as pure celery. Juicing removes the pulp from the celery which makes it’s healing properties more powerful. Also, of course, you can consume WAY more celery juice than actual celery. Juicing or blending it breaks up the cluster salts that help bind & remove toxins.


+ you need to drink 16 ounces (equivalent to one large bunch of celery hearts) of FRESH celery juice every morning on an empty stomach! If you feel like it’s not strong enough, up it to 24 ounces a day.

+ it should be drank alone without any other vegetables! if you absolutely can’t handle the taste, ease your way in by adding a BIT of cucumber or green apple, & then slowly adding less and less until you can handle the straight celery juice. I personally don’t mind the taste at all.

+ if you are short on time in the morning, chop your celery in advance (this is what I do!) so that you can blend quick in the am. Fresh is most effective!!

+ make sure it’s organic celery!

+ results can start to show up in as little as 7 days- keep drinking!!

+ because it is a powerful detox, so if you have a chronic illness (including thyroid conditions) you may experience extreme exhaustion (me everyday right now!) or an upset stomach. Your body just needs for detox. It also speeds up digestion, so initially you may be a bit bloated (also me).


grab one large bundle of organic celery (one bundle = 16 ounces!)

OPTION 1: rinse the celery & juice it, if you want.

OPTION 2: because I hate juicing & the mess it makes, I have gone for the blending method which is easier and just as effective. Rinse your celery, chop it up, blend it in a high speed blender until smooth & then strain it with a nut milk bag.

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