Is it just me… or is Cannabis really turning into the new black? Stigma will always exist, but the whole idea of people who smoke being lazy stoners is a thing of the past as more & more influential people open up about there love for Mary Jane.
I love seeing bossy babes taking the industry by storm (i.e. Cheryl Shuman, aka ‘The Cannabis Queen of Beverley Hills“), the fashion world fully embracing/loving the Cannabis industry, & just an overall acceptance that flower should not be classified as a drug.
As the great Willie Nelson said himself,
“I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?”
Best part is- I don’t see this move towards accepting marijuana stopping anytime soon. It’s great to see people being more open & honest about the healing powers marijuana can provide.
SO- for all you flower loving babes doing big things, this one is for you! Shop below to see the Cannabis chic items I am currently loving & HAPPY FRIDAY. x, E
the edit | cannabis chic
Jacquie Aiche Sweet Leaf necklace | Jonathan Adler Xanax stash box | Jacquie Aiche snakeskin lighter necklace | Fornasetti ashtray | Boy Smells Kush candle | Stubbs & Wootton cannabis loafers | Moschino gold lighter case | Vintage Redeux Mary Jane army jacket